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  • How? Constantly typing in zone and LFG is getting me nowhere. As a Control Wizard, I am at the stage where I can't get any further as i can't get into dungeons or demogorgon. The only places I can get into are prophecy of madness and the throne room. It sucks. Going to give it a couple more days of trying ad then give up…
  • According to them: I understand that you are unable to queue Demogorgon Raid. Have you tired queuing with a party or join any players who are going for the raid? It's likely the system isn't getting enough solo players queuing during the limit. I don't see this as the problem. I can't remember the last time I did a…
  • Join a queue - don't get anywhere. Specifically for Demogorgon. I haven't been able to do demo for days, and I am not the only one. There are loads of people queuing and not getting anywhere. This particular one is broke as hell.
  • I was second place with 94 was copper and first with 97 also had the copper symbol. EDIT: So we got over the 200 as there was 11 contestants. We should have got silver at least.
  • Four of us did it together and we had to run it four times as it doesn't seem to want to give it to everyone in one go. It didn't take long to red it though.