I'll go greater vorpal in a second sword for single boss fights. I pull so much farther ahead in dmg over other classes in aoe than I did using vorpal the entire run.
I got my final piece of the new Fabled GWF set only to find that the 4 piece bonus bugs unstoppable when it grants determination....have to switch back to Avatar set. It would break after one use and no amount of re-keybinding would fix it. After I "change character", it would break again after one use. I also cant see…
Figured it out, im back at the top. Not by a lot but im top. MC: Going into last boss with few tab bugs I am way ahead of TR by 1.8 mil on average. The CW's are much closer or beating me by a 100k going into last boss. But I beat CW single target and pull way ahead, and the gap between the TR's and I is too big for them to…
I run with a wiz, two TR and a DC. The rogues and I stay together to the very end in Malabogs. Our CW is straight cc and doesn't pull a ton of dmg but freezes everything into nice little aoe packages. The TR's certainly pull ahead after last single target fight, but my point is, with all the aoe leading up to the last boss…
7mil TR is worthless if rest of party is 10-12mil+ lol..I bring my TR for crazy dmg! I also don't pug. Just ran an MC...my TR was behind me by a small amount...both of us at 10mil. After a few attempts TR was ahead by almost 2 mil. 15mil vs 13mil
I agree with this statement totally. I have not noticed the TR nerf affecting their dmg. My TR's still get 70k crits so boo-hoo. All they did was respec and continue topping meters...GWF not so lucky.
Dk candy: Perma stealth TR is worthless in PVE. My TR's and I destroy CW dmg. TR's and I stay close most of the fight but they pull away at boss fights....last boss especially. If we arent destroying TR in aoe then why not just bring Rogues! We can't off tank efficiently as we used since the health nerf to unstoppable. My…
The Great Weapon Fighter does not excel in AOE anymore, nor can he off tank with Indomitable nerf....class is broken. My dmg is so low from where i was last night. Screwed the pooch on this one. Slam is worthless and causes a slow, but then I cant stand and fight because Indomitable sux and I drop hp like a clothy...but im…