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  • This is a serious issue in the game. The meta has turned into such a horrible experience for anyone playing a fighter type that it is beyond unacceptable. Sure it is possible to do the game with one of these classes, but it is painful in comparison, and that is just flat out a game flaw. The reason the stigma exists, is…
  • As long as you either do not care about end game content, or if you do dont roll a GF or GWF, then it has a lot of appealing points to it. Their F2P model is one of the best imo compared to the rest of the western F2P models. There are certainly some issues with people abusing bugs, but thats not nearly as bad as how poor…
  • Whole system is in a terrible place for the two fighter classes. I rarely get to do groups because of the pure dislike of these classes by the community. I out DPS most of the people I play with, and yet no one is interested in me due to class. I love the toon in pvp, and will continue to try and gear it for that, but in…
  • Honestly your point in game is minimal. Once you have great gear at 60 you can produce high dps numbers, but simply put we are not NEEDED. That does not suggest that we can not play the class, but there is pretty much nothing that cant be done without you present. In many cases it is superior to include a second cleric…
  • Shrug, possibly that is true. I know I seem to out damage the GWF's I have played with, but my experience is limited. And yes, 2 clerics may well go away to make the game faster, but the 2 clerics can be used to gear up in order to hit the thresholds needed to make that faster clear time a reality. The point remains that…