I splitted some stuff with folks in guild last night. So Bolt should be a bit more then 1.8 ilvl lol) Some stuff in bank as well. check mail. idea is simple - purple items. most of people are scarred by the fact that you have only 60% success change. but here is math - Average scenario - on line of 3 items you have 2/3…
Im gonna do a giveaway. probably tomorrow since my pc is now installing w10. So if anyone wants something particular that I have in possession or might have ( HR from mod 2 hehe) write in thread. A a gratidute I can share mechanic to make 1m-2m AD a week. No botting. + ~0.5m-1m if botting. One thing - i better give…
and we don't. HR as a class here is both stands. Not one. End of conversation. Rest is for people with something else except 'wonna place you in what is want' Was it smart to try to make classic 2 spec Ranger class in one ? nope. Build styles are Archer ranger, Two-blade ranger, Beast Master with roles of primal striker /…
Just cause he is funny entertainer and is not too boring yet. Sometime even hilarious I mostly play melee HR. since mod 2. Not that I don't respect good archer folks but for me class was always about being fast and agile hit-run-hit style of play. And yeah melee sucks badly now. No control, no dps, no suitability.
well i laughed well. Thank you lol. obviously you have 0 idea on current HR state) Hr is a HAMSTER. true. Has to to be fixed. true. But I hope they won't let people with "such knowledge" even near to HR fixes. Cause well we gonna get one more idiotic "fix" again
it is hard cool down. I m not even sure if it is 15 of recharge speed after recovery application or before. Anyway it is hard 15% from swiftness itself. one of the fixes could be making it recharge speed increase work same way are recovery where 100% is 1/2 of skill time. HR mod 2 had great interactions where melee was…
@ralexinor has a point. HR now is a "patched" class. HR is nothing even without 2 of 3 feets. Just play pure archer or combat to feel it. Whole class is list of broken unfinished nerfed mechanics.At this point mod 3-4 HR was way better even thought had broken issues. Having reduce of cool downs is great, same as giving HR…
I think it is bugged in mod 6. not mod 5 - x1. have not really used it much. At least triggering it does not shows anything in char sheet. Also there is a bug this not rooting targets further then 40 feet and so on.
I'm usually very skeptical about cryptic. But these changes seem to be good and both long waited and fixed by community fast notcie. Hopefully they will continue this practice further. Good job this time
well thing is - this game proven itself as bad investment of time and money. Cause devs will without a slight hesitation brake it anyway in the way you least expect. Enjoy it if you can but don't hesitate to drop it. making AD with professions on gateaway. playing witcher in free time. Edit: this is not a call to leave…
I have not checked gear on panderus. Yet I was part of the even as well and test gear itl 120 was in drop. As well as Rank 12 enchants. Also acro as far as i recall had burning on one of tests. Again it is acro so you know how he played *fix hair*.
you just can not, at least for now, to run bot for HE or dungeons. Whether before bot runners just could send TR into sharandar. Is this nerf stupid? yes. Bad design ? yes. But it is better then "1 hour only" nerf they did before. They must add RP and good RP to all quests / dungeons/ dailies/HE ets in game. Just make 1 HE…
Serpent is fixed. Crushing roots aka trapper build makes only scene when fix will be pushed on live. But no one knows when yet. Also Longshot is crit build. If you don't have enough crit and in lack of control go for trapper pure after fix. If you don't need so much control and have high crit - go for longshot. Values…
yes they do. on pvp testing before mod 6 they upscale every char to lvl 70 and gave OP test gear. So they do have stuff with r12 ets. But here comes a funny part it is crappy r12 stats. Just like recovery for trapper HR or so on. It way off from real gear as well as devs using some HAMSTER enchants that no one in real game…
I don't think it would be too hard to make 2 system - general pvp q and strict q. In general 2nd one can be as simple as just more bracketed version of general. It would still be better matching. Let people have both by choice. I hope there will be some difference with strongholds. At least I'd like to see in-guild pvp…
roots arm pen is a bug for pve. but for pvp with new 'game design' - if you can call that stupidest idea so - arm pen is almost useless or you need to have a high sweet spot for it.
lol well it is bug from mod 4 * cough cough*. Roots duration are not effected by control bonus. As well as control strength for crushing from wis, cap feet, artifacts bugs. If they finally fix those as well as refresh on cordon & hindering I d officially say them thank you and state that mod 6 , lol, is ready for…
Wow. some good news. thanks crush! Can you look then on cooldown not reducing for Cordon of Arrow & hindering shot? yeah I know there is always one more bug about HR
8 other people? maybe. but still it is 8 other people ) you should be zerged at some point. Especially if not you killed them all, but they could not kill you. And yeah now CC sucks
In wast majority this is due to Arm Pen resistance implementation as addictive. He now 'in short' has +80% DR from it. Remote it, or fix it, then we shall see better picture