hhmm this looks a little familiar... http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?385671-Invisible-walls-and-3d-editing my post got no love but hopefully this one will. tossing my vote in to make invis walls and objects visible in 3d edit so you can actually move them in place correctly the first time. *I know i said i…
the number one thing i wanted was terrain editing complete with a terrain paint brush to change texture from stone, grass, dirt, path etc. (not using details to build hills and cliffs thus eating up the very limited 1500 limit.) *edit* and well everything NWN had in it's editor >.>
public opinion of foundries, a very small select few authors and the game mechanics. I ran into a problem of not being able to create anything just staring at the screen for hours on end. but before that, the game it's self. I always jump on every D&D title i can and am usually disappointed. with my old gaming group long…
just found a small hack and slash by random word search in the best tab. It still does not have much dialog but its a fun and straight forward little quest. Blackflame Necromancers by @Gothfifi NW-DEIEM2VAA
finally able to play this. (had to remove a faulty vid card but the other still works) good dungeon crawl with a great premise to add on new quests in the series being a new member of the order. story was good but as mentioned above we don't get any background on Steele (though it reminds me of the Warlord of Blood from…
heh i didnt mean your fav to make really, as purple said i also enjoy all the unique environments but my fav is still the swamp. not that all of my quests would be in a swamp. It's just in books, movies, games you name it when i see or read about a marsh in a fantasy setting it stirs my imagination and piques my interest…
well that was kind of intended as its a small(ish) orc raiding party. if we had access to all sorts of typical encounters from forgotten corners of the world like oozes i would have added them. edit have your quest on my to play list. ran a diagnostic and it turns out my video card has stopped working. I may be able to run…
D&D has tindertwig which is an alchemical match http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Tindertwig there is alot in D&D that was not in our history at the same time periods because it is a made up world. most of the time some thing is explained as alchemical, magic, dwarvish or gnomish tech (famous for inventing things humans…
played through on my rogue (who is played up as an assassin to start :) ) enjoyed the story and am interested in seeing where it goes. About half way through i stopped talking to some of the ppl as i had enough helpers following me lol. well not stop but told them to go away when it looked like dialog was about to end its…
i get what he is asking for and i have been complaining about it too in foundry chat. yeah you can select a group of objects in 2d and copy past move rotate. but thats it. if you do copy paste it will set the pasted copies to some random (average that makes no sense) y co-ord. for the ruined temple my catacombs walls had…
would be nice if quests had 3 ratings. 1-5 story 1-5 gameplay (enjoyment) 1-5 over all design you rate a quest you pick a star option for all three branches then leave a review (or not) but that would probably be a programming nightmare :s
Well , awesome. Don't know what else to say. I'm honestly floored that you approve of the map :) ok fixed most of what you caught, will work on #4 some in a bit. 1. good point. changed the 4 quest objectives to [find 'x', give it to 'y'], amplified the GM note about the items a bit stating that the map will not show where…
I'm not sure how this achiev even works. i have reviewed and rated quests in open beta and live that had zero reviews, 2, 4 reviews and i still have not recieved credit for a single one (i still have the achiev: rate one beta quest, unfinished)
so far as i could tell the quest in editor will have an average which is a true average of the stars 3x 5* 1x 4* 1x 3* 22 total stars / number of reviews is an average of 4.4, the adjusted average seems to take into account plays and something else that i cant quite place. so same scores but 10 plays would be 22 total…
I don't see a need to give 1 or 2 stars. If I feel the quest was that bad i will not rate, and give a large list of things to be fixed as well as suggestions. if i really hate the quest i just drop it and don't even finish. more then enough lower stars will come from the public, with reviews like "Good quest! *****" and a…
they could or they could leave 2 and 3 stars. my quest hovers around 4 ish. when it gets up to 4.08ish it seems to get enough 2 and 3 stars to drop it to 3.90 then it climbs back up to 4.02ish and now i just got two 1 stars dropping it back down to 3.95. I'm find it funny that ppl feel the need to regulate quests like this…
those of us* with tin foil hats like to think it was because our rating was getting too high. *talking about myself not poking at any one else. tin foil may cause blindness, sudden sadness, in ability to enjoy anything, random desire for ice cream, night terrors, or in extreme cases death. not recommend for use by any one,…
I know what you mean. i had a quest break when they patched because the changed the dimensions of crypt walls by adding or moving an invis wall in front if it so its flat instead of having geometry. the clicky you had to access was now behind the new invis wall and 'out of sight'
anything you set as an objective in a story will spawn immediately or on objective in progress. This is most likely a fail safe to prevent an objective from not spawning and breaking the quest. either have to make them their own objectives or remove them from the objectives. if you remove them from the objectives then have…
all chars in that account will get the reward (its bound to that char.) even you author char will get the rewards. so far i unlocked two capes and when i log onto any char in my account he is updated with the achievs and the item shows up in his bag.