Name one. There is no point. If you are going to be afk for 15 minutes. This means no input from mouse or keyboard then you do not need to be logged in. It is a complete waste of server resources and bandwidth. Take care of your HAMSTER before you log in.
This. The only time you are being 1-2 shot as a GWF is when the rogue has his daily, Lurker's Assault, up. As far as doing that much damage while invisible is absurd. I've had GF walk straight to me while I'm stealthed only to punt me back against a wall, or a GWF who turns around as I'm about to Thrashing and pins me to…
Not sure what scrubs you're playing with but I've seen every class (Minus Cleric) drop a decent geared player in pvp in under 5 seconds. 10 times faster? Maybe you should learn to pvp. Sure rogues are extremely bursty. Try dodging their first move and it becomes A LOT easier to survive. Take your own advice, learn to pvp.…
That's all fine when fighting a CW or TR with sub 20% resistance. Enjoy your fight with a GwF and GF like that. I personally try to aim for 2.6k ArmPen.
As far as I know, no stats in this game have caps, only soft caps. Which means you start to hit pretty heavy diminishing returns past the soft caps. The Armor Pen 'Cap' is a common misnomer. 2220 is not really the 'cap'. 2220 equates to roughly the amount of damage resistance your average PvE mob has. Bosses generally tend…