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What is the Arc Client?
Install Arc


  • As i am tring to say. Wake them up, the Dev's who know the Offical information. Throw water on them if you have to. Slap them upside the head if you must. Just get them to give us the Information and i don't mean in two or three weeks. If you have to, lock the Dev's out of their own programs till they feed us the…
  • What i asked for was not a Suggestion, it was not a Debate on if it was Offical. It was a command. do it or get rid of the game, NeverWinter was degined to have alot of class's. not just 4 lame ones. Now get someone to post the upcoming class's on a Sticky
  • they need to release the Ranger class next, not the Warlock. there is already a class that can do Arcana things, we need a class that has the Nature deal to it. and also the Control Wizard sucks balls, why is there no Pyromancer, bah!
  • ok so when aproximently will these class's be added?
    in 6th Class Comment by tenchi2k1 May 2013