Guarded Assault damage cap... Now with the rank 4 we can return up to 20% of incoming dmg, but max dmg is still capped with 15% of our max HP - probably you should increase it to 20%.
Tbh i never had troubles with Guard in PVE.. And i dont use Shield Talent at all - get some STR, get STR focus (both will give you good Stamina/Guard gain). Slot at least 1 encounter with +Stamina after use. Use Shield Slam if you see Stamina is dropping low. Use Tide of Iron as your primary At-Will: anyway with Shift it…
Yeah, if you will run Guarded Assault+Fighter's Recovery and stand in Fire Breath of Lostmauth - you will see 1 bar dropping from boss's HP after each 4x Forge Fire clearing. Not to say that you will never die with that combo.
Hi there. Everytime when Blacksmith procs you can see a "Forge Fire" notification on a screen and teal palm icon in monster status - when it reaches 4 stacks - you will see a big number of damage after monster's next attack. Cheers.
Suggestion: remaster Guarded Assault damage cap... since it has Rank 4 which returns 20% of dmg taken, but still capped at 15% of our max HP. Thank you.
Hello, i was a tank in this run and i must say - half of the party didnt even know he was filming, played "half-hand" and just relaxed - obviously we can relax because we have this gear. But i've started M6 2 weeks later than others - i was in trip. First i farmed T2 in my old Grand Regent set - and it was a pain... but…
Oh and also High Prophet set (both of them - you can notice 2 stacks of that debuff under boss's HP bar) and Darkfire (Drow racial debuff). So their targets lose much more than half of defense.. And +Divine Glow on top of that. I guess its enough to almost nullify any defense - imo its pointless to waste GS for ArPen in…