Some people seemed to be confused about the IL for this event. If you are over 20 IL you will be scaled down so you are not going in on your 24.5k char, you are going in on a scaled down version. Another confusion seems to be the scaled down number. From what we are reading it is supposed to be 18k if you are over 20k.…
I don't think this is a 'fix' issue. It's made that way. Once you buy the pkg, no more runs in game. Maybe they try to get ppl to buy more than 1 pkg to get all the tokens they need for best rewards??
Sounds like some of you that can't enter bought the buyout pkg. You aren't supposed to be able to enter if you bought it I believe. I didn't buy it and I haven't had that problem at all for 11+ days straight now
Yes somewhere it should have been clearer. That has been the repeated question I am seeing from people and most are kinda confused, with being day one & all. To be safe I just started with my strongest character.
Any chance we might get that 3 hours we had left for Neverember's Recruitment Event back? That's all I need to complete the event and it's kinda annoying I lost the time over the maintenance of issues that didn't pertain to me or anything I am doing right now. Would really appreciate it !!!
A couple of guilds I've been in are all 'don't take advantage of the bugs' but we all know dam well they do. Kinda of annoying but I really don't care about the contest. There is no way of knowing how accurate it even is since they botch up everything else in the game.
For me, this is happening in all areas from regular battles with mobs to bosses throughout. I'm getting knocked down when the animation has barely even started. Or better yet when the enemy has actually died, i'm getting the affects as if the animation even happened. Very small example, like really a dead wolf somehow is…
I have this stupid piece of armor on 3 chars and cannot afford to have a backup piece that is comparable. What they need to do is shoot me replacement pieces that are, and I will quietly go away. Amazingly all the drops i'm getting in the many ME's i'm doing, suddenly aren't dropping any armor, just gloves, helms, oh the…
As funny as that is, it really isn't. I'm trying to take advantage of the 2x Campaign Currency event and am having a heck of a time in Barovia alone. Pretty much every single quest is activation related, so not only am i having to try to activate something 100 times, i'm getting attacked constantly. I personally don't have…
That's just laughable. You have the audacity to link the patch notes that barely covered anything @bkjvk listed. That on top of the bug that the armor Haunted Hides of the Hall has that unfortunately I have on 3 chars. I am trying to take part in the 2x Campaign Currency but i can't even get thru the campaigns because my…
If you have the essences some people get from the end battle chest it will spawn the ghost - RNG. You do have do wait a little bit after the first battles in the rooms are done then the spawning begins. Whomever has the essences needs to interact with it by giving it an essence & the madness begins. We have yet to find a…
I didn't get the chests either today. I ran this yesterday and other days in past after patch & never had the problem. I couldn't even get out of the battle! The stage change / exit door wasn't lit up or did i get the message box to hit F to activate to leave battle. This was absolutely ridiculous with respect to the…