Same thing happens here. Log in, and it tries to patch briefly. Game launches fine. Exit, and if I leave it, it immediately tries to repeat the patching. I can exit it, while it's trying to patch, so that when I launch it next time, it does a quick scan. This happened before. Just realized, the trick was closing the…
I think YOU may be onto something right there... I just realized, I DID change the default - I had set it to PRINTSCREEN (because it was easy to remember that it was going to capture, since I hardly ever do actual print screens) - and PrintScreen was a key that no other thing really used, except Windows. So I wonder if the… For the precise moment that I have linked. As someone who has long favored blue dragons - seeing this - made me very, very, very happy!
Temple of Elemental Evil from the ground up. Several made "new" characters along the way due to death (as "freed prisoners" we'd find in various rooms). Was such an excellent time.