I am pretty sure I tinkered with FRAPS (
www.fraps.com) and NEVERWINTER when Neverwinter was in BETA and it recorded. I tried again last night - and when I tried, FRAPS did not record anything. Was curious if anyone here uses FRAPS and has it working with Neverwinter? (It records other games and such flawlessly; like Knights of the Old Republic, even DVDs if I play them in Media Player, etc).
There's an in-game recording tool, post somewhere in the forums about it. But it sounded like such a hassle compared to using fraps that I personally won't bother with it.
Did you try setting different Fraps hotkeys than the default ones? I find sometimes I have to switch keys around for some games, if the game is using up what I want to use for something else. Like, I often use the Numpad keys for fraps vs. the F keys. Depends. (edit) I do use F keys in NWO tho.
I think YOU may be onto something right there... I just realized, I DID change the default - I had set it to PRINTSCREEN (because it was easy to remember that it was going to capture, since I hardly ever do actual print screens) - and PrintScreen was a key that no other thing really used, except Windows.
So I wonder if the function of PrintScreen, which Neverwinter may perhaps use (??) is over writing what FRAPS uses. I will need to test this when I get home.
Strangely though, I don't even see the benchmark #'s (the FPS that Fraps can show), even when I select it to Unhide (and pick top right or whatever). Regardless, will try another hot key for FRAPS and see if that does it.
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