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  • Permanently ban all accounts involved and rollback all AD/Zen transactions since the exploit first started. Problem solved.
  • Did you forget Shadow Knights exist? SK's have always been able to AoE tank. In the early days it was more difficult and without very good heals they didn't survive. But threat wise they were more than capable of aoe tanking mass amounts of mobs. I have a lvl 90 SK that I still hop on and play from time to time and I can…
  • Somebody got killed by a Rogue now they're on the forums crying. Like we haven't seen this exact same thing happen 5 million times before. I dodge dazing strike all the time. Rogues are nowhere near the most overpowered class in PvP right now. I'm sorry you got killed. Would you like a hug?
  • CW's that spam knockbacks are the worst. Yeah you might do more damage than everyone else. You wanna know why? You knock all the mobs out of everyone elses damage every 2 seconds! If you do 2.5 mill dmg but you cut everyone elses dps in the group by 20% cause of mobs being pushed out of attacks and/or spread out so they…
  • This just in: DPS Class does DPS and kills people. Can you believe it?!? Try to kill anyone on a team with 2 clerics stacking overpowered blue circle that makes them take 0 damage. I unloaded on a cleric that was just STANDING there taking it for a good 15-20 seconds with every ability I had and was unable to get the…
  • Seriously my rogue can't heal for <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. Clerics constantly do more healing than him. It's not even close! Control wizards have so much more CC than my rogue too. Pls buff rogues or this game is doomed. P.S. See Rogue nerf crybabies? This is what you sound like
  • I started playing on the 25th. Today is the 29th. I count 5 days of playtime Thursday through Monday. The hardcore crowd was level 60 on Saturday (Some even Friday night) So yeah I'd say it was pretty casual
  • I didn't level super hardcore I was playing pretty casually. There are quite a few ppl in my level range atm. Doesn't make any sense that it wouldn't pop a single time in 2 full days.
  • It seems to me that once you get lvl 40+ the companions are nearly useless. My cleric companion dies *EVERY* time I pull a group of mobs. Usually within the first couple seconds and I'm stuck fighting without it the rest of the fight cause it takes too long to revive it and the mobs will kill you while you try to get it…
  • Halp rogue did more damage than my *control* wizard plz nerf
  • This is the problem. They plan to release a Barbarian class eventually. If the GWF does a ton of damage and wields a 2h weapon then what the heck would they release a Barbarian with a 2h weapon that does a ton of damage for? That's why I say either they need to buff up GWF defensive role or just scrap the class idea all…
  • They can give GWF threat modifiers without making them do massive aoe damage to hold threat. They're primarily Defenders. They shouldn't be doing tons of damage or beating Strikers in damage at all imo (Aoe or not) and yes I think GWF need threat and survivability buffs. But damage wise? They're fine for Defenders. Agreed…
  • GWF is a Defender not a Striker. Why are you comparing Defender DPS to Striker DPS?
  • Not according to official wiki or the DnD Player Handbook itself. Stop spreading false information.
  • GWF should not be highest ANY target DPS because he's NOT A STRIKER. GWF is a Defender according to the official wiki (http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/Great_Weapon_Fighter) and the official DnD rules. I'm not saying GWF is balanced cause I believe the class does need some work. HOWEVER it does not need more damage and…
  • No No and No! Good god man it has been proven too many times already. No dev's said GWF is a striker class! Community managers on the Twitch stream =/= developers. The official forums are full of incorrect information posted by non-developers. The OFFICIAL wiki that's linked on the front page…
  • That's exactly what it is. When a game releases an "Open Beta" with no character wipe they're basically saying "Here's the full game. It's buggy as hell and not ready for release but we need money so we're releasing it anyway and you can't complain about bugs cause its a beta gais" Judging from some of the replies in this…
  • Are people seriously worried about a weapon that'll be thrown away before lvl 30?
  • Thanks for the quick response! Glad to hear a fix is being worked on.
  • I'm having the same issue except my wolf is stuck in overflow. I try to move it out and I get "Inventory is Full" message even when I have plenty of inventory space. Tried moving it directly to bank and that didn't work either. Frustrating :(
  • Everyone told me "Race doesn't matter just play what u want!" when I made my Orc Hunter in WoW too. Then I got to max level got a lil bit of gear and out damaged everyone in my guild 99% of the time because I was the only orc hunter and "Blood Fury" and "Command" orc racials were amazing. That said I think for TR either…
  • What Developer said it's going to happen? Oh wait.. You're just making stuff up on the spot :( Rogues already got nerfed once pretty considerably. I don't think they will make any more changes til people start getting max level and seeing how things scale at 60. If changes need to made then they'll make them. It's…
  • This pretty much sums up my thoughts. I fail to see any reason whatsoever why this is not possible and gives the people that want group content something to do. Granted it would be much cooler if we could get tools to customize/script our own boss encounters but I can at least understand why there are technical limitations…
  • I think I just got dumber when I read this statement. Does anyone with a lick of common sense really believe it takes 3 people to kill a Rogue? Like I said in the other thread where these asinine claims were made. If it takes 3 people to kill 1 of ANY class those 3 people are god awful at PvP. No ifs ands or buts about it.…
  • This x1000 From a Rogue's perspective some people I was able to kill extremely easily. Could've killed them with my eyes closed and 1 arm tied behind my back. I fought clerics that didn't move an inch the entire time I hit them. They just stood there static in 1 spot and tried to heal themselves through my damage. I fought…
  • I beg to differ. I lost many matches where my team had more rogues than the enemy team. Enemy team had 3 CW's and constantly locked down our entire team. We lost MISERABLY. CW's can just teleport away 3 times every time you get anywhere near them and just CC you in between to keep you at bay while their team destroys you.…
  • Dude... Are you trolling? Seriously you don't believe the stuff you're saying do you? GF can stand on a node to defend it and FORCE the enemies to attack him or they won't be able to take the node. Do you not understand this concept? and LOL at CW CC being useless. You must not have PVP'd AT ALL. If the enemy team has 2…
  • So let me get this straight. You're arguing because some people don't play their roles correctly and aren't forced to play their role that they should just make everyone do the same damage? Your reasoning makes absolutely no sense to me. PvP in MOST mmo's boils down to Rock Paper Scissors and it's balanced because of team…
  • This is exactly why PvP has no place in a DnD MMO but that's besides the point. The role still matters and still defines the class in PvP environments. I'm not sure how you could possibly think roles are irrelevant in PvP. What do you suggest Cryptic does? Just give all classes the same damage so PvP can be "Balanced" in…