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  • You buy it at the zen shop :p I would absolutely dye my armor, if it weren't just throwing away money right now :p The urge to dye it is all the stronger since drops all come in the same default shade (blue for my mage). At least, if dye isn't affordable, randomize the color of drops; that way I'd have a hope of getting a…
  • No suggestions on the aggro issue, but as for the time issue... if like most MMOs there are fewer than 20% each of tanks and healers in the player population, you'd expect wait times to be long for every other class.
  • I just beat this guy with my lvl 24 CM... took me three tries because I've been coasting through up to now and never really had to learn to dodge, but I got him, using only a couple health pots :) Shield helps, like the others said tank companion went down in the early going, so it's all about the teleport.
  • I like several things about this game, but I completely agree with the OP about this: There are too many gameplay systems which don't go with the D+D RPG genre, nor with each other, and which make no sense at all in the gameworld; they are just there to manage player behavior in various ways, presumably to increase…
  • Yknow, I was very concerned about the business model of this game until I tried out some Foundry quests, and realized that the foundry is what this game has that's truly unique among MMOs... and also that as far as I can tell Zen has no impact on foundry use, either for authors or players. (I've only been playing a few…