Definitely disappointed with the pack. I already had half the pack and ended up with one I already had. Makes the pack completely useless. At least give those players in the same boat some kind of options, whether to guarentee one we don't already have or something else for those who already have all the mounts. As someone…
I'm actually kind of surprised that the devs seem to have ignored this. The calendar still gives the wrong info and that's definitely not the players fault. It's not an end of the world problem, but it is certainly going to turn off some people.
Thanks for the post. I just ran into the same issue and tried everything I could think of short of uninstalling and then re-installing the game. Tried your solution and it worked like a charm. Thanks again.
I had the same issue. If you go to the AH thru the gateway you will be able to remove the items using the 'remove lot' button on the bottem of the screen. The button doesn't work in game, but will in the gateway.