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  • Today when i was fightning a GWF seemed like his takedown was going through my DF third strike. I'm not sure though, was having massive lags at the momment as well. Anyone experienced similar problems?
  • Most of people that complains about how "broken" and "op" trs are, usually have 10k gs and got killed on a 4x1 in a random match. It may look like it is op, but it truely isn't. Trs barely have any form of cc or support encounters, got their damage nerfed to death since beta and at momment really does low damage(of course…
  • First of all, sorry for my bad english, isn't my first language. Now, I don't know what are you trying to achieve with this, but making everyone even more tanky don't make any sense. After a 50 minutes premade match can easily see people ending up with very low deaths, wouldn't be surprised if serious pvp matches end up…