Your internet connection is lagging... If you watch a video or use your phone to receive updates from PSN Messages or Communities the connection is what might cause some lag... Also with Professions when a Task is finished the items (Profession Task Worker) are added to your inventory when the task is finished... There…
Damn thats sucks :V I have once done this and blew 10k or so... Over windows that are like this is the Vote to Kick from Instance window... the Circle button on Ps4 is the Decline instead of X... If its mid battle they might spam Circle and then decline the vote.
You're supposed to do the Its a Celebration quest.... the one thats gives the Anniversary Coin... You can only do this on ONE CHARACTER PER ACCOUNT... If you missed your chance at this event we cant do anything abou it.
You probably screwed around with the Quest Journal tab with the Options button. Go check that again... I had this one guy tell me he had no quests on his journal butthen when he unchecks the journal entries the quests Suddenly Came Back..lmao.. ;-;
They should of made two different Guilds... a Stronghold.. and a Guild playhouse that acts like a Moonstone Mask xV... That way people can still make a guild without the hassle of having PvP or huge amounts of "influence runs"... I tried my time with decorating and it was nice that the guild people lets others turn the…
Dude... I have been ditched by my teammates once in Spellplague Caverns... I didnt know until some time that it was because of this.. AD Farming freaking ridiculous. Another time happened today... Our only Paladin pops out his signpost and LEAVES!!! All teleport methods in a Skirmish should be disabled!!! That SoB had the…
No.. The RNG is bad. Theres this other person on here trying to make something in Mastercrafting andhas tried many times to get a success... I believe the person has quit now... But you know.. Yeah bad RNG
Yeah... Its insane that its 1% success. I tried 3 wards on it just to give it a try. I think its better just to buy ones being sold in auction house. I wonderhow these got here... Did people have a success and then just sell it? :l