I like this idea. 3 working specs for each class is better than only having like 1, or none if you play a disliked class. Also being able to break the roles up into like tanking, healing, support (buff/debuff), control, and dps would make balancing groups in queues (such as the coming random queue stuff easier). After all…
As someone who currently has just over 8.1k item level on my favorite character, these possible changes make me nervous when I hear about them. I am not against the idea random queues and actually like the sound of the idea, but the implementation of what I have been reading is another story. 1: If the point of this is to…
Please fix the TR class feature Tenacious Concealment. After ranking it up to rank 4, there is far more stealth loss when hit than at rank 3 (used to be no stealth loss when hit b/c of my offhand artifact). Seeing that I use the artifact offhand for tenacious concealment and that I also use the SoD feat, this is really…
Why don't they just open up a new shard/server/(what ever its called) for everyone who wanted a full wipe to make a new character on, where everything starts fresh. Maybe some nice perks like a week of double exp/(other cool things for starting fresh). No 1 day 60s, no markets flooded with exploited end game gear, no…