Any of you that want to start a guild with me just send a message to my xbox live account and I'll get back with you this evening, I'll be in the game later tonight!
Well since we are all looking for the same thing, if I start a guild do those of you posting want to join it? Seems like we are all on the same level playing wise and in the same age range. I'll create one and ask you guys for input on a name and we can all branch out and look for new members as we go. My gt is Sensitive…
I would like to join up with you guys, my gear score is around 10k as of now because I am still gearing up but due to not having a good group I'm going into dungeons on my own and getting booted by randoms. My GT is Sensitive Bill and I play every day and no drama, please send me a message on xbl if I can join up with you…