c1k4ml3kc3, I’ll agree generally with yout sentiment, however high specialization makes solo dailies murderously unpleasant. Think mod12 dino aggro on steriods. My take is the devs shoot themselves in the foot. The team comp pressures for high end dungeons compounded with unpleasant dailes for support classes only worsen…
i can only equip runestones but no gear on companions. rebooting game as an attempted fix, if its broken for a while, i’m off the game. reboot has not resolved the issue. my character is now nerfed.
Sva is hard because Arc in all their wisdom not only made SOMI a mind numbingly miserable experience (fishing is <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, the boat mechanic is <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, the dragon turtle is <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, the glitchy map locations are <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>), FBI and SVA have literally -nothing- of interest for DC or Tanks. The fabled unicorns are excruciatingly hard to find,…