Still looking to do more review trades! Trying to get to my 20 to get eligible status. Please try my quest out, Temple of Chaos, and post info here and ill review yours! Thanks!
Second on my list for tomorrow morning! Please give mine a shot whenever ya get a sec as well thanks! Don't have the number off hand as im just perusing and about to go to bed but it is searchable by name now. Temple of Chaos. Thanks much in advance and look forward to your quest!
Will be the first quest i do in the morning. Just took all the info down. Would love to do a review for review with ya. Dont have the info for mine off hand but it is searchable now. Temple of Chaos. Look forward to your quest!
Have revamped the quest based on lots of suggestions and ideas from all you posters and reviewers! thank you very much for your time in hitting me with your suggestions and what not! Please give the new 1.03 version a shot and see if its closer to that wonderful foundry quest feel!
All very good points and ill make sure i try to place mobs a bit better, add more content or a small puzzle for time and try to position mobs to be a bit more even for melee/ranged classes. I really appreciate the feedback i'm actively taking all the ideas i've gotten from others and am working on a much more polished…
Very Much appreciated! Cant wait to get back into working on it again, getting a lot of ideas and uses of the foundry that i just didn't see on my first time through. Thanks for the feed back, gonna get back in there and decorate and animate it more!
Would absolutely love to hear your notes on the whole adventure. have been playing through some of the other poster's adventures and seeing lots and lots i can do to elaborate and make mine that much more engrossing but leaving the simple feel to it that i am going to try. I appreciate the review and am gonna go try out…
Quest is in a good spot and id love to get some play through on it by others! Leave a review with your foundry codes also and id love to give your quests a shot. Thanks! NW-DML4SQG6M Temple of Chaos v1.02