It wouldn't matter if this game cured cancer, solved world hunger, and got 3.5 and 4E players to get together and sing kumbaya. There would still be threads like this.
I didn't take anything out of context. I merely didn't feel the need to quote a whole post when most of it was irrelevant to my point. Please point out how if had quoted the entire post, how it would have made your comments less of an attack on the people to whom you were referring. I also fail to see how I am the one who…
In this case, I'm fairly sure the OP is telling the truth of what happened. However, just because someone claims another player did evilbad things, doesn't mean it is the truth.
This is indeed correct. It won't even slow down the gold sellers. WoW requires both a person to both buy the game and pay a subscription, and gold sellers are abundant there.
Any threads that spread awareness of a particular exploit are no-nos, because less scrupulous players will then try to take advantage of it. The correct way to tell the developers about an exploit is through a report or a personal message.