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  • Sorry to hear it. I think there needs to be a change for the following reason: If i'm sitting in a group of 1 of ea except GWF (so 4). I will take along an extra CW, TR, or a GWF whatever I find first. Up to 1 GWF is fine, but there's nothing that really makes me think "Man, we really need a GWF!".
  • Well we can take a guess at the percent chance of a coal with some assumptions. Let's assume the average AH selling prices of boxes, blue wards, and green wards are all tied to one another. Let p be the percent chance of getting a blue ward out of a box, let B be the box price, let g be the price of the green wards, and…
  • If you think it through your system would end up in the same exact place that this game has. The only currency which means anything in a MMO is time. If you put in more time (or money) you get better better stats. If you make a game that doesn't take a long time to get competitive there is no reason to play it…
  • Your quote is perfect. You skipped out on doing dungeons properly and then in the same breath complain that you have nothing left to do. People here are asking for a carrot to do the trash mobs and don't understand the trash mobs are supposed to slow the game down. You can complain that it's boring all you like but the…
  • I dunno, I PvP at 60 and I don't really think TRs are OP. I think it should be intended that if they get the drop on you they can cause some major bleeding fast. TRs can be countered by playing smart, I don't see anything wrong with that. Edit: DC btw.
  • Despite what you think your team played poorly. Perhaps their whole team could not stand toe to toe with yours, but that doesn't mean you played better than they did. When you can't kill a team outright it's foolish to continue to try and push point 2, instead do what you can to sneak around and attack where the enemy is…
  • Well it's possible with a good GF/DC to keep all the adds permanently kited. So if you don't want to die and let the adds despawn; after the boss goes down, have the rest of the group peel away adds a few at a time from the GF and kill those. Rinse and repeat for a while and you'll be able to beat the boss and not have to…
  • Say thanks in chat next time this happens. As a cleric I never had a need to party with anyone because I was over-leveled for every area and dinged 60 somewhere in Rothe Valley (before things really get hard maybe?). But all the time as I wandered through areas if I saw someone close to death I would drop from horse and…
  • Figures, after I farm a cat for my wife they Nerf Leadership so I can't get one for myself. 100 AD/hr/task (with only up to 3/char) isn't really that much. I feel like cryptic can find a different way to hurt bots instead of <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> with me. I have 5 chars, I probably average 5 PC's a day, so…
  • My god... people have told you what to do so that it doesn't happen, It literally takes 2-20 seconds to wait for a respawn. Is it a bug that should be fixed? Yes. Is it game-breaking in any way? Not at all.
  • I've made like ~1100 zen filling them out from time to time. My thoughts (obligatory ymmv): I find the surveys that they give to you at the top of the list to have the best chance of payout. I would say when I actually complete one of those surveys I get paid out at least 95% of the time. A note about lying on surveys: I…
  • After skimming the thread I think the solution is kind of apparent. This is an agglomeration of some things people have said in the thread along with some things I've thought. 1) Implement a "Party Kick Vote" option. Any party member can initiate a vote to kick a party member (put a 1-5 min cooldown on it though so you…
  • This is exceptionally well done, not only in content but layout and readability.
  • A primer: I design/build electric motors for a living. While doing so we had to align two shafts to one another. Coworker: What do you think about this shaft's alignment? Myself: I don't know, Lawful Good? Coworker: No, I think Chaotic Good. Myself: Yeah, you're right.