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Guild breaks, and I cannot get a Group

farfig1337farfig1337 Member Posts: 108 Bounty Hunter
edited August 2013 in PvE Discussion
I've read enough about GWF's who can't get groups. And yes it has effected me alot too. But I was able to get by with a Solid guild.

Now the guild breaks, alot of players I used to play with got bored and left the game. I am completely unable to get a CN group going and even T2's are diffiicult. I got kicked 3 times in a row from a T2 dungeon for being a GWF... since all 3 groups already had a GWF and wanted a tank. 12k+ Sentinal GWFs can tank T2's but no one will try you.

And don't even get me started on CN groups. I was the Guilds beastly GWF's for CN's I literally Solo Draco from half HP down if the rest of the party wipes to hands and Tails. Plus I can replace a TR for Camp running, both Second camp and final draco run are a piece of cake. My usual Team is CW, CW, DC, GF, GWF for CN, because we are all 12k+ Monsters.

Now can't even get a guild.... No CN guild seems to want any more GWFs they have enough, no Pug team will ever take a GWF to CN. Without the handful of players that made playing a GWF worth while is there anything left in the game for me.

Is there any hope at all that GWF's will be able to fulfill a useful role in PVE so players will actually want to group with you.

Or is it a pipe dream and is it time to give up on the game. Not looking forward to re-building a good guild reputation it was hard enough the first time around.
Post edited by farfig1337 on


  • alecstormalecstorm Member Posts: 142 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    I'm sorry, but the current state of game don't make me hope in great improvement. Since it has not endgame and everything cost a lot many players simply quit after some time they capped. Your will be probably a problem for everyone and not only GWF. By the way, maybe server merge will fix this problem. Of maybe you'll only get lag :D I dunno, but i'm sorry for you. Actually i'm one of the player who log for pray and start tasks.
  • brodyhoule1brodyhoule1 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    What server are you on?
    My name is Tank, and I will not die.
  • orianthi4orianthi4 Member Posts: 39
    edited August 2013
    I fully sympathise with you my friend.
    Two months ago in my guild we could have had 3 or 4 dungeon groups running 24/7 without a problem.
    These days i log on and 99% of the time i am all alone, and i log at EU and US prime times and stay on for a number of hours at a time just messing around playing the AH or lvling a companion up, grinding enchants etc, but never realy doing anything. and I have 4 lvl 60's all gear capped, there is nothing worth doing.

    People have not left the guild, not one, they just dont log on any more, i guess for the same reasons as every body else sheer boredom in the game, thier all gear capped etc, and probably the most used reason is everybody just fed up of nothing ever being fixed, just more broken stuff with every patch

    Even the dungeons dont offer any chalanges no more, and 90% of the groups just want to skip as much as poss and just get to the last boss for loot, lol, there is just no fun in that at all.

    Very rarely i might catch a guildie on, usualy the same 1 or 2 people, all they do is check around see if anything is new or as been fixed, pray and log off.

    I am currently on with my 5th lvl 60, will only take 2 or 3 days, then just buy a full tier2 set from the AH, already bought the 4 set, and all is good, no point running dungeons to gear, most pug groups fail or want to cheat to last boss.

    I got one character slot left. kept it clear for incase we ever get the 'Ranger' that was heavely hinted about ages ago, but even that as gone all quiet now, so i can only guess thats another thing that wont happen.

    Dont get me wrong i love the game, the combat etc etc, played since Beta weekends, just dont understand the way it is 'progressing' lately
  • farfig1337farfig1337 Member Posts: 108 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Yup it's sad. Seems like it is falling hardest on the Fighters again. I remember when the fighter thing started to get better but it was very short lived. Now the only players who can play are the ones that "can" Pug end game dungeons. If more Guilds are falling apart it becomes more about puging.

    And we all know Fighters get the shaft for CN pugging.
  • ameranth342ameranth342 Member Posts: 141 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Maybe there could be some hope on the horizon to balance things out maybe a little better with the up comin g'tweeks' to rogues.

    The dungeon queue system does not help much either, you could queue and get a group with 4 rogues or 3 clerics, it is a realy stupid system. classes would have been alot better balance form the start if it worked like the majority of other MMO's.

    You would naturaly exspect if you queue for a five man instance to get a group with 1 tank 1 healer and 3 dps, this is prob the only game i know were this does not happen, it is without a doubt a realy stupid system.

    Problem is with there realy eratic way of balancing things, nothing is ever a 'fine' tune, ever buff or nerf is always from one extreme to another, i minute a class is pretty OP, the next there totaly useless.

    As for GWF'S i used to run alot with a friend who was a GWF and he went into runs as a tank, and tbh he alwyas did a better job than if we had a GF in the group, lol
    Anyways i hope things change at least a little bit for the better in the up coming module, i realy doubt there will be any fix's of the rapidly building list of well known bugs. prob just more as usualy.

    I have already started playing another game, as it happens most of my guildies from NW are there too, and tbh its looking realy good, game works as you would exspect and bugs and problems are addressed realy fast compared to NW, and there are in game GM's which actualy respond to you, lol
    But like i say i like this game i like the combat, classes etc, so at moment i am just hanging on hoping for some improvement, wether it comes or not is a different story and i'm not holding my breath tbh.
  • tarmalentarmalen Member Posts: 1,020 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Find another guild. Plenty of folks love having a GWF in a run. You just need to find the right folks.
  • zardoz007zardoz007 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    As a former GWF player... Finding another guild is a load of Bull it is hard enough to find one that will take "you" as a new GWF to dungeons when the other GWFS are already established members of the guild and are always picked above you. It seems for ever 1 good GWF there are 5 more waiting in line to try and get a spot in guild runz. They can be awesome GWFS too but they did not get in on the "In" Crowd so you are out of luck.

    This situation is really why the game will fail. The Dungeon ques are pointless. You cant play the game with a bunch of random players. The Game is far too difficult, you Need Specific clases, in order to accomplish certain goals and often the time its the FIghters that dont get to go. For most dungeons two of either of the fighters is usually a second best alternative if not a guaranteed fail

    The Default set up Is, CW, CW, DC, TR and One fighter, and that fighter can often be replaced by another TR, CW or DC. Yes other class combinations work but most players want to see this setup. "New" players expect a GF in the group as a tank for the 5th slot and this further kills the GWF. But then again new players also think the GWF can replace the rogue for single target DPS. Until the learn the truth that rogue has double the single target DPS of the Best GWF's

    It's sad but true
  • revealedrevealed Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Sorry to hear it. I think there needs to be a change for the following reason:

    If i'm sitting in a group of 1 of ea except GWF (so 4). I will take along an extra CW, TR, or a GWF whatever I find first. Up to 1 GWF is fine, but there's nothing that really makes me think "Man, we really need a GWF!".
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