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  • As for CoI vs CS, you are overlooking the CoI proc rate for EotS and NW, it is really that good. And now with the nerf to shield, you can use CoI as easy as CS, because ads do not fly apart every second, they are frozen\stunned\dazed still with CoI+IT\SoteA+ST+OF, only you with OF and GWF(which will be most likely not in…
  • Have been using allmost the same build for some time now, the only major difference is reapers touch over chilling control, but both seems viable. But i have some doubts about power layout. The thing is that CoI is incredible for EotS and NW proccing, it has x6 chance to proc it, the only better power is Steal time, which…
  • doesnt really matters, it can be respecced anyway, did it yesterday when went for rene instead of thaum. As for me i will take power\crit\HP\400 damage\stamina regen If you want defence you can just slot an ancient or grand ring 150\154 crit\armpen\rec with the defence enchant on you or your pet(like i did), they were very…
  • Bad news, everyone! Tested yesterday for a long time on dummies, and found out that Icy rays sometimes(like 50% of the time) deal half of the damage to the target(like marked only once) that was marked twice and should recieve double hit. Did not tested it on other targets, hoping that only applies to dummies. Sometimes…
  • But i must agree it makes sense for a human-PvP-CW
  • i have 12+k GS and a stone, and i do not know what epic equipment(exept for a weapon) can give you more than 6+%(its 5 but affects inteligence bonus too) damage or 9% to aoe. And the more stats you have the more useless they become. If you have a cap at armorpen, it will give you nothing, deminishing returns after 3k…
  • Why do you even pick it? +% of damage for all spells and +% of damage to AOE is somehow worse? I would not pick it even if i was human.
  • Huh, could try avalanche\entangle aswell instead of CoI\IT, interesting to compare. My guess is that it gives less control and less damage, but gives more AP, and oppressive can compensate the loss of previous 2 But again, CoI is great for EotS-proccing, as IT, it gives constant damage that can proc it, and avalanche in my…
  • I did not say it doesnt work, i said its useless(they doesnt stack, so all you get is +5% damage under 30% target hp ~1,5% DPS fot 5 feat points is kinda useless) Who needs that AP anyway, 1-2 AS is enough for ads-cleaning, no need to spam it if you can just kill them. Not to mention you will have more AP in rene than…
  • And doesnt work with dailies, at least patch notes said so(not tested\confirmed?)
  • I started as rene, than switched to copticone-like build, and it was good, but with the recent changes i think rene is better, simply because the first 4 feats in thaum are useless(for a thiefling). Snap freeze not working on dailies is a fail, but still nothing better in the beggining of the thaum tree. I think rene will…
  • Dude, find my posts at the previous pages containing the tests of EotS and nightmare wizardry, look at it and stop crying. Even better if you go to the test server and do a test yourself, i dont see how CW is getting worse. Our skills are getting fixed(so they can crit now) and shield-abuse is getting fixed, which was…
  • I have tested Sudden storm on mastery and was disappointed. DOT-effect was only 3% of my overall DPS, and it kinda sucks. But i continued testings of the EotS and nightmare wizardry. Bad thing that dummies die to fast and flying around, so i cant maintain my attacks so they can hit all 3 of them. Methodology was the same…
  • I wanted to check out the new EotS and ran a quick test, and was quite amused by results: TYPE DAMAGE ENCDPS AVERAGE MEDIAN MINHIT MAXHIT HITS SWINGS TOHIT CRIT% FLANK% All 2 723 256 12 190,04 1 610,44 856 0 16 105 1 691 1 691 100,00 44% 33% Sudden Storm 697 390 3 121,71 10 107,10 11 573 5 839 16 105 69 69 100,00 52% 62%…
  • Pyro is kinda expensive. If you can afford it, go for it, othervise i can recommend blue rings with 125\125\125 power\crit\armpen(forgot the name)
  • Oh wow, i guess we can say that it was a buff(in PVE aspect) afterall My guess is the purpose was to nerf the PvP part of it(and i really dont understand why) as our most damaging daily hits weaker than TR encounter, but whatever, i guess i'll continue to stick with SS\EotS in PvE further. Assuming CW has 40% crit, we can…
  • Just a standard reaction of someone hitting 60 and going for PvP with 5-8k GS for the first time. We all went through that. He will in time understand whats going on and how bad that 1 pvp match contains people with 6k GS and 12+k GS And yes, 3\5 classes have means to ignore our control allmost completly without a dodge,…
  • whats so strange in this? AS bots who spam dailies 24\7 who could do it without any gear AT ALL got the attention. Personnaly i think the change is good, becouse shield was way overpowered with 0 cd, infinite targets AND insta-reffiling AP bar. The other thing that this will result in even more CW-dependance in a group for…
  • here you go you might want to read all the changes http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?447201-Release-Notes-NW-5-20130812b-2
  • Last time i cheked on mimic it worked well(could crit and get severity bonus), apart from bugged proccing EotS (like alacrity now appears but gives no effect\buff)
  • LOL at this really, it just makes no sence. I die from DC so rarely, so it makes me go whaaaaat? lol i died from a DC, i failed so much. Comming from a CW, who is right before the DC in the bottom of the PvP class-chart. BTW PvP CW-s got their dailies(ice knife and ice storm) damage redused by 20%(via snap freeze) and ice…
  • Agreed 100%, they could just swap Snap freeze for transcended master or far spell
  • Update: Snap freeze will be almost useless
  • My thoughts exactly, and pillar now refreshes chill, which is great for chilling presence Pillar could become the main At-will if it benefited as good as chilling cloud from storm spell, or at least evocation. Right now there are no class features that is good with Pillar, but maybe Chilling presence and revorked EoTs will…
  • Oh wow.... 1) Eye of the Storm: This power previously added too much damage for the duration that it lasted. Rather than redesign the auto-crit aspect, it now procs a bit more reliably, but does not last as long. This power now has a 3% chance to trigger from At-will powers, and is 3 times more likely to trigger from…
  • I belive it is, and i believe it works with chill strike, ice storm and icy rays, tho i did read that many had issues with IR and snap freeze Tested IR mastery yesterday on PTS hiiting 2 different targets, one with chill, other without, and had avarage numbers non-crit ~2100 for chilled and ~2800 for non-chilled, so i…
  • GJ, but i thought the question was the interaction between thiefling's racial and this feat. Who said that this feat doesnt work at all? But how it interacts remains unclear with some people saying that it overrides bloodhunt, some saying that it is just dont work on a thiefling, and everyone hopes that it would stack.…
  • Ah, i see now the use of elemental empowerment. did not know it was a mitigation debuff, thought it was defense (and i always run with DC using Gplague), not-so-bad-than, even in PvP target will have 1-2 stacks after ROE\EF so 20% more damage on IR is the same actually, but also can be applied to IK or CS, and much more…
  • I use a similar build to this, but with a few tweaks for PvP, but not all worth mentioning. And i have several questions regarding reasoning behind it. First and the most disturbing one: why bitter cold over nightmare wizardry? okay, bitter cold gives you flat 5% increase, i get it, but combat advantage gives you 20-24% if…