Not sure if this is what you're looking for but you can find some formulas on . maxHP/2*0.2077*Regeneration^1.3/(LevelConstant+Regeneration^1.3) Example for my character: 32000/2*0.2077*1710^1.3/(12938+1710^1.3) = 1835 So I would regen 1835 hp every 3 seconds as long as my hp is 50%…
While I agree that a certain crit rating is important in pvp, I would still not stack it over 1.5k, even if you run with vorpal. Reason is critical damage got hit pretty hard when tenacity was introduced.
Deflection is immune to armor penetration and has good synergy with the last sharandar boon and our 4 set bonus. Also thanks to tenacity that gives -crit damage and the buff to power in module 3 I think the combatant set is better than archer even with p.vorp.
Also there are rings with 900 health and tenacity that drop in pvp. They sell for 1mil+ though, you can find them in AH under "Vital ring of xxxxx", xxxxx is for piercing, agility and so on.
The bonus does not work with potions or the Waters of Elah'zad, it does work with regeneration, life steal and healing from cleric/HR (healingammount*1.05).
Module 3 will have a second Paragon Path for HR, it's called Pathfinder. You can test it yourself on the preview test server, this is how. Also, you will get a free respec once Module 3 hits.
Binding Arrow has a range limitation, after a certain range all you do is damage without the root effect. If I remember right on lvl 3 the power roots targets that are 0-30 foot away and only damages targets which are 30-80 foot away.
On a side note, I was testing the new hawkeye buff and it seems to scale pretty well with hard hitting powers. Maybe there is a possibility for a troll build for pug games utilizing stealth (ambush/ghost), not sure how viable it will be though. I have mostly pvp gear and was selfbuffed+potions.
Level the HR now, the not nerfed split-shot makes leveling very easy and the fastest way is as always questing. Don't forget to get the mulhorand weapons to make it even easier.
I'll probably take the archer set, I'm still running vorpal so crit is still important to me while power is not. Honestly archer would be the perfect set if they did swap defense for deflect.
Another bug I've encountered after the PvP patch is that roots sometimes don't pull the targets to their rooted place. I think it has something to do with dodging after being rooted. I can see the string attached to the target but it does nothing to pull or slow them down and I'm talking about strong roots here.
Just tested it on the preview shard, and it works indeed. Not sure about life steal but regeneration gets boosted by around 20%. Time to respec on live I guess.
You're thinking of the Waukeen event not the Tymora one. Tymora boxes could give you 10k raw AD or a dragon egg. The drop rate of the eggs was nerfed very hard, at the last Tymora event you could expect to get at least 1 dragon egg every 10 boxes. I did open like 100 boxes by now and no egg still.
If you check the new test server patch you'll see that our roots will be fixed, they will no longer ignore control immunity. To be honest, I'm not sure how to win against GWF as a ranged spec now. I guess I'll stay melee in PvP for now.
Only if you want the pet, the hawk is redeemable account wide, therefore you can get it on all your toons. Other than that its not really worth it. For lvling get yourself the epic lvling mainhand+offhand+neck and you are set.
The point is, with punishing charge he can drag the root point with him. After punishing charge the GWF will be rooted at the point where he stops, therefore the GWF can charge the ranger who is casting Aimed shot and interrupt him this way. Pretty much all gap closers work this way with root, like Marauders or TRs Deft…