I am a veteran formally paid to play, and former pro competitor. The game dynamics are set for fast pace killing, fast pace looting and no patience. New Age gamers are the worst of all these problems. They Do not understand new players need guidance. They Do not understand the concept of need before greed. They do not…
In the past they have done the very similar situations. They start something good then they kill it. http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?499331-Do-not-get-me-wrong-I-love-this-game-but/page2
Again i wasn't being pompous I was giving foundation through years of experience for my statement's. On the topic of character slots. The character slots thing every game offers at least 4 slot's. not two slots that is a PWE thing that has created the pay to create a character you may or may not like which i understand…
I love the game but i also see the future of this game based on the direction they are creating. They are slowly implementing BOP items, which restricts people from trading or sharing those items, that is kind of on the borderline of acceptable, and i fully understand why they are doing that. All i was saying is they are…
Truth is not negative man and if i was a troll i wouldnt of wasted time and effort clearing up what the point was in the beginning. A troll doesn't give substantial foundation for their claims. A troll doesn't offer solution's for their stance. A troll doesn't waste their time clarifying the message they are trying to…
Instead of It is to long to read and you don't care, actually read what i have stated let it sink in there is nothing in that statement with me claiming i am superior. It indicates i have a Idea of what i am talking about and shows i am not some butt hurt person ranting on irrelevant preconceptions. You are not getting the…
This may sound really stupid for a question. I was looking at zen purchases, also i was looking at the game packs. Who can afford 200.00 for digital equipment, this game is great but it is looking more and more like a money pit. I mean is there anything worth going for that doesn't cost zen ?
It would appear they are trying to quell the gold farmers. In theory would maintain a balanced and friendly environment. While boosting their Revenue, to continue such a great game.
I Have a similar problem i get to the Material reloaded screen and it locks up the hard drive is screaming but task manager is saying the game is not responding.