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  • As Per the norm this change will be nothing but a boon to the botters and hurt legit players. They have already seen very nice profits on the AH the moment this chance was announced and the prices jumped. I assume that prices of RP will go back up to the pre-hoard days of ~40-50K per stack with people needing ~92 stacks of…
  • It once worked and I assume that is when you did your rerolls? If you are able to login and do a reroll right now please share the process with us to get it working.
  • The issue is we currently CAN NOT test race reroll on preview. So, we have lost the ability to test what a reroll will do for our characters unless we pay the zen price and test on live. FYI if any devs are reading this! I would pay to reroll about 10 of my characters if I could only test the effects on preview BEFORE…
  • Still no luck with getting this turned turned on? I would REALLY like to be able to test my rerolls before making sure a massive change on live. Please look into it :)
  • I have been asking this same question for months with no reply at all. It seems it was removed to be fixed, but has be since been forgotten on the preview shard :(
  • It is an interesting phenomenon to see people voting based on how things used to be rather than how things are. Lots of I give my bank account a 9/10, but that was before I paid my monthly bills and now we are looking like a 3/10 while I eat pocket lint until payday type posts :) To the topic I think the main thing this…
  • First off the $25 sale price issue is a lesser grip at best and as a small business owner myself here is exactly how I would of done it if I wanted both make money AND earn customer loyalty. Because you can either make lots of money and <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> off customers that never buy from you again, you…
  • Reading all these threads as they crop up really makes me think of the old saying about how people get the government they deserve. We have folks getting outraged over the wrong issues like them breaking up the pack in the future to increase profits. Of course they were going to do that... EVERYONE DOES THAT! Then we have…
  • What is the model of the onboard video card you are working with?
  • There is really no point in people rambling on about this subject until the thread gets locked up. The issue still stands that it was never about the price going down. The Dragon pack being the only pack ever to be purchasable with Zen instead of real world currency is the root problem. Zen does not have the same value as…
  • This is exactly how I think most civil people feel on this topic even if they never post on the forums. For people like myself with many alts the pack was pretty useful, but the way it was announced really tweaked folks the wrong way. I still think it is awesome people can buy the pieces they want for zen, so no one should…
  • I agree with almost everything you have said, but can you honestly tell me if you had 7,500 zen chilling in your account freshly converted from AD you would still have paid real world cash for the pack? Even if it was said that it would be available for cash if you wanted it RIGHT NOW and then it would be in the zen store…
  • All of this! It is pretty sad that with all the content that comes out 95% of the items are not as good as items from the launch of the game. I would love to have a new set of gear to work towards that is worth using vs not as good, but different. BoE loot would deal with most of the complaints from the random chests that…
  • Let me start by saying it is awesome that they are offering the pack and the race for zen now. It will give lots of people a chance to access the content and items, which to me is never really a bad thing. I think it is silly buying it just to be one of the few with a dragonborn and the items after they updated them were a…
  • If someone is operating a party like that I would talk to a legit channel mods about that. They are very nice and helpful folk that are happy to sort out issues. As far as people getting vote kicked for loot mistakes it normally only happens when someone makes a "mistake" repeatedly after being ask to stop. Some bad apples…
  • Any movement on this issue? I have not seen anything of posts in patch notes or whatever from the devs and not being able to see the red on the ground is a real pain.
  • I should unlock the skirmish with my ranger today or tomorrow. I'm very interested to see what sort of loot I pull on a different character under my same account. I will bet money that this 2nd character will get better results, but we will have to wait and see. I'll post my findings, so do not form an angry mob just yet…
  • Another 20 runs and every one of them in both chests where the same junk enchantment/scroll. I have not hit my 100 runs yet, but I am logging everything to get some insight. I also came across this: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?758791-lair-of-lostmuath-arcane-chest-bugged&p=9023101&viewfull=1#post9023101…
  • I'm normally very critical of the "patches" and events because of all sorts of issues. However, I will give credit where credit is due on this weekend. Good job!
  • I finished IWD 100% and grind HE's for drops whenever I have some down time. No gloves or anything of note on my CW who is a Great Success getting machine... Maybe this was just to prepare us for the dragon coin drama we are currently having with the new content? Either way it has been asked for over and over again to let…
  • With the refine event I have not had the chance to do enough runs for a test. But, once I get my time and crew together if we do 100 runs with the same drop each time I am going to call foul. However, unless someone has legit proof I am going to assume it is my god awful luck with the drop rate tag teaming me until I get…
  • Sorry I was talking about the artifact chest you unlock with the dragon gem not the skirmish chest in my last post. I plan to be running some experiments to get a better sample size than my current 15ish suck streak. Stay tuned for my results :)
  • Well then maybe I am just like poor guy who took 9 attempts to get a different artifact weapon and was on suicide watch for awhile. This RNG loot table it an utter suckfest for a large group of people I am sure of that :(
  • Have either of you ever hit a streak of the same drops? Because I once was able to getting varied drops, but that stopped happening after day one. I have never seen anything other than the scroll and rank4 in the keyed chest ever...
  • If anyone has a magic combo that does not cause clipping issues please share it. I have never been able to avoid epic horrible clipping with cloaks melting into the back/leg/ect of all my characters.
  • I am unsure if anyone else has seen this happen before or not. I have done the skirmish during skirmish hour as well as random times and in every run for the last ~15 times both chests have had the identification and rank 4 enchantment drop. I get the 1000AD from the main chest on skirmish hour, but other that it has been…
  • I just got the purple orb and my dragon gem from the free chest. The keyed chest has provided me with nothing other than the useless rank 5 and identify scroll junk. Stick with normal the version and stick with the free chest :)
  • I have seen the same identify scroll and enchantment in that "bonus" chest every single time. I just ran the normal version 3 times with pugs pulling the purple orb and my dragon gem all from the free chest. At this point those 5 keys I bought from the zen store will just be collecting dust because the good stuff is in…