Thanks, the Man-At-Arms it is. I've been grinding out Leadership while at work and on my phone since I don't get to play a lot. Would a blue pet be worth picking up off the auction house?
Thanks for the help everyone. I keep seeing don't waste points in soothe. Is it not working or just not very good? If it is broken, would it be worth it if it gets fixed? Is healing threat so absurd that no one will pull it off us or is GF threat so good no one can rip it from them?
I did notice a slight increase in load times. For me that means a couple seconds, I have a SSD with good ram etc, before the patch I was loading in about 2 seconds, now its about 5. For me not a big deal, but it is slower.
Thanks for the quick response. The dog is sounding nice for the interrupt. So it sounds like I won't have any issues outside of speed while leveling. How popular is DC? Will I insta-find groups? Does a GWF have to wait 20 min to find a group?
I can't make my own thread so I will post it here. I'm only level 4 so I haven't check higher level spells. I noticed a bug which works in our favor. If you hold down the Magic Missiles button on an enemy while out of range and walking to them, as soon as you get in range it fires the full 3 hit combo immediately, one…