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  • I'm frankly a little surprised no one at this company has heard of redundancy.
  • Interesting how the Neverwinter community has polarized into a three class society. The rich Heros, middle class Guardians, and welfare F2P. Someone should do a paper on this forum thread.
  • It's completely unfair for anyone to call this a bad launch, or refer to it as a live launch at all. This is an Open Beta launch. It's supposed to crash everything so the actual launch goes well. If all your characters were being wiped, you'd have no grounds to complain, but I guess the nice move by the devs to keep…
  • As one of the people who paid a "paltry" $60, which one might point out is the standard maximal price for a AAA release not a Free to Play, I'm primarily annoyed that the Premium pack was a ridiculous $200. If they had the same content at $100 that would make it a fair value but $200 is way over-priced. So yeah, I'm a…