Still can't get in... this is sad, I really needed to get a lot more done and the next 2x rp isnt shown any where in december or january calendar. i guess there's no point in me logging in until i finish my rp work if i cant finish it today, and next 2x rp.
Server died on me around 5:51 am Pacific Time. Had about two hours left in the event. Still had much to do on refining / buying items.... This is horrible. I would like a proper extension of the event.
I have to strongly disagree with your opinion (except the axebeak/strider rehashes - those are too plain to be lockbox items and should be ZEN store mounts instead).... *the only rehash of that mount i would buy is a Raptor or Dinosaur like mount*. i highly welcome a snail mount into the game 100%. I LOVE it when they…
I was just giving you a hard time, I'm on your side. I actually have never purchased keys, ever, in my 2 years playing this game. I have also never even once opened 1 lockbox, yes, true story. Because I see other people's complaints of opening sometimes 100, 200, 300, etc lockboxes, and not getting one epic purple item. So…
Did.. did you really just suggest that? Unlocking getting these mounts through in-game achievements without having to use ZEN or lockbox keys? If you are really suggesting that, then PWE is laughing at you.
I've been super laggy for the last 2 hours. Now I can't even connect to the server, and i have comcast high speed internet. All other websites and games work fine, except NW.
Be realistic? I have a few friends that bought this promotion, and they highly disagree with you. Truth is, they were mislead, as were you, but don't try to bargain for the rest of us. If PWE said it was going to be BoE, then that was their advertised word, REAL CASH was exchanged - the terms were set during the sale…
Speak for yourself, but don't speak for the rest of us please. It was advertised clearly as bind on equip. Many of the people who bought into this promotion saw that as the main reason to take pledge into the promotion. Anyway, if PWE doesn't honor their promotion as advertised during the sale period, then they are indeed…
Um, speak for yourself. I personally missed the freebee day cuz i was sick that day, so seeing this 50% off is a godsend, cuz i love horses and am making a horse collection. Yeah i am a brony too, deal with it lol. Anywayz, i'm pretty sure lots of bronies (including me) are going to be purchasing this sweet deal, so don't…
what u talkin bout buddy? i live in reality, it's dog eat dog whether u like it or not! oh im sorry, u wanted barney and friends special olympics pvp where everybody is a winner? lol, okay.
If i were u, i'd join an elite guild. Would u rather b on the team that gets stomped? or would u rather b on the team that steam rolls other noobs? survival of the fittest - thats just life!!
So?!? I really love that little horse, i'm gonna spend some ZEN on it to truly earn it to my collection!! I think the marketing team is genius for teasing us with a freebee last weekend, in case u missed it!!
Not sure what to believe, eh?...look at the population charts on steam, they have recorded the ~70% dip in playerbase over time from when this game first started. Slowly but surely, slowly but surely. ;)
Well, let's see how this will turn out when patch goes live. They just made the play time of their playerbase x1.5 longer. Cryptic knows how to keep their player base grinding / playing longer, thats for sure.