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  • I was looking forward to some playtime this weekend with my online friends, help some friends get some much needed upgrades from dungeons, But it seems most dont want to bother anymore, too many issues and broken mechanics, whats the point of struggling for hours to learn and get through some thing that is broken and will…
  • This is how it was originaly intended to work, but there are changes nearly every week to things in the game which are not noted in any patch notes, so as to how it is 'suposed' to work currently there is no info at all available, so who knows ? Plus a point here is it only should proc from using 'control' spells and all…
  • Thanks everyone, just what i wanted to know, much appriciated :)
  • Every part of the game is broken, even the gateway through apps is seriously broken, many many people can not even log to the game due to client problems, BUT....BUT ironically the Zen store works perfect, lol... go Figure.........
  • Soo Festival all over now, back to nothing to do :( Anybody have dates yet of next Event so i can make a note to log in again
  • So according to you "it's not what i'd consider to be "game breaking" because there are ways around it. plus there are less items on the auction house, so it's pretty easy to flip through the pages to find out what the lowest prices are" True but it is still now broken and deffinatly NOT working as intended, it managed to…
  • Fixing things that are already in the game to actually work as they should would probably make more players happy than just releasing content and more than probably content with even more bugs and no doubt exploits too. I am just starting to seriously believe now the game as that many not working things it is getting…
  • It is deffinatly not RNG up untill around june from 9 characters praying daily i always got at least 2 coal wards without fail, and those that did not drop Coal wards used to drop 2 to 3 peservation wards and 2 rank 5 random enchants. Now you 99% of the time get 1 preservation ward and if your lucky a random enchant, very…
  • •Performance and Stability • Made adjustments to increase CPU performance in areas of high population, player or otherwise. I build custom gaming systems to special order and provide advise on builds for certain conditions for a very large and well respected company, this is my job and living. I can tell you now quite…
  • You are very delusional, this is NOT D&D it is NEVERWINTER running under the D&D banner which they paid for the privalage to use. they bought the name and the rights to use the name with a very limited licence to use certain aspects and lore from the original D&D series, They did NOT buy the game. Two totaly different…
  • This is NOT D&D . they bought the rights to use the name, with a very limited licence to use certain pieces of content originaly from D&D obviously solely for marketing purposes to cash in on the fame huge fan base this had in the past. so any of the "endless possibilities" they do come up with will be totaly of their own…
  • Yes not everyone, but the sheer amount of other threads and posts with players commenting on basically the very same issues way out numbers the amount who post and say nothing is wrong, added to this the huge amount of people posting in bug reports that can not even log into the game to start with due to log in issues that…
  • ^^ Feel for you Bro, and can fully understand your frustration as i'm sure 1000's also can. I played from early Beta weekends which required special Beta keys , althrough open Beta, playing a average of 6 to 8 hours a day, i am retired and have the time to do so. The game at the start, beta weekends was a real breath of…
  • I agree with the OP, but at the end of the day they will never raise the refine cap, they have no reason to but one main reason to not raise it. If players need a large amount of AD in a short period of time they do already have a option to get it. buy Zen and convert. So cut out all the BS answers that is the reason and…
  • i can pretty confidently say its is not you or your system, i build high end gaming PC's for a living, and hence I run a pretty top end system and this game is the only game were I have ever had any lag or rubber banding issues at all same as those regulaly reported about in these forums. I don’t have them all the time…
  • Obviously your first ever MMO, and you think this game is great, you got alot to learn my friend Enjoying it so much you prefer to troll the forums than actually playing it...............
  • Hmm as with most things in this game alot are very badly tool tipped. Did you purchase the token while loged in on the character you wish to rename ? that could be one reason. i think you will find you have to purchase the token on the character you wish to re name. Although it does not say anything in the Zen store at how…
  • I done this and this is probably the best way. you can lvl a character to lvl 4 in 15 mins. you can also lvl it higher when and if you get bored. i also use one mine as a AH alt and keep it loged at the main AH and postal courier in PE. i have 1 account with 2 lvl 15's on , 1 i send all my Runestones and the other all my…
  • Yes afraid so, but as most can see most replys to the post are not favourable. I think we all can agree the original post was just purely a advertising ploy and was a twist on the truth by stating '2 million players' but to actually state 2 million 'unique' players was 'twisting' the truth abit too far. This statement…
  • I fully sympathise with you my friend. Two months ago in my guild we could have had 3 or 4 dungeon groups running 24/7 without a problem. These days i log on and 99% of the time i am all alone, and i log at EU and US prime times and stay on for a number of hours at a time just messing around playing the AH or lvling a…
  • I agree with you completely zen store companions should be account wide as the mounts are. Or if they are to be ‘per’ character they should be at least 50% cheaper to purchase. Another big issue I have found is most items on the Zen store are more than likely to have been purchased using ‘real’ money, thus involving…
  • Thank you for your reply, to be honest i kind of guess you would not be able to change gender, but as i said with nearly all tooltips in this game being very very vague i though i should ask, Appart from the tool tip on the token it self in the Zen store, the only official statement of what you acualy get i have found is…
  • I have the exact same neck on one of my companions and the plain white icon as been there since way before 'live launch' at least 3 or more months. if you look in the auction house they are the same there also. it is just another fault in the game which as never been fixed and probably never will be.
  • It is great to see new events and content but with the sheer amount of in game issues that keep on recurring time after time, all of which have been fully known about for months and months, but yet never get actualy fixed. 99% of the time these issues raise there heads when somthing new is in game to do, or a 2 or 3 day…
  • Hmm strange, there is nothing at all in the patch notes , but on checking my own Bastion of Health's CD is alot lower than before, it is now at 12,6 secs . i am pretty sure it was at least 15 secs before patch, however it is definatly now usable, although it could be a bug lol
  • In all fairness how can they reply ? I am pretty sure the vast majority of posts on the forums are actualy read by employee's of PWE and how can they give honest replys to things brought up in posts when they know most are true. All they can do is what they are told to do, irelevent of there own opinions
  • •Tiger mount rider position adjusted slightly to look better. WHY!!! why touch things that are not broken !! are you all complete muppets, there is plenty in the game which is broken, and has been broken for a long time, so why try to fix the tiger mount that was not even broken in the first place??? i bought my mount 2…
  • What the hell have you done with the tiger mount ????????????? it worked and looked perfectly fine before, now, stood still it looks same as it did pre patch, but when moving, my characters are hovering over it in the air, and not just Halflings, my human and Tiefling are the same, it now looks down right stupid. Soo you…
  • •Feat – Healing Action: Now can also affects Heal over time effects. ??? Can we please have this in English, or at least make sense •Miracle Healer's Set: Description changed to be "Your encounter powers cause a nearby ally to be healed for 5% of your maximum HP." This now correctly reflects the effect of the power. This…