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  • G'day, I have posted several times about several bugs and here we are weeks later and still no fixes or even updates on known issues about them. :( I'm a sad little Vegemite. My last post is only 1 post up from this one so I will just post some screens to show you One of the bugs that was fixed just before summer festival…
  • G'day, Hooray for Sominator;) Thanks for the reply. hope you read the bit about breaking landscape and aggro breaking thru floors and walls as well :rolleyes: Another thread in here asking about a special bugs sections. Would be good that. Too many things in general bit get lost in the pile of posts. ootyfast
  • G'day, I put a post in the bugs thread with a link to this post. Nothing in patch notes on last nites patch about any of our bugs we have reported being fixed but most of all the saddest part for me is that even tho we have this thread, and a thread in bug section pointing to this thread no one from dev or community teams…
  • G'day, I posted about this in 2 other threads the latest thread someone posted to post the bugs in here. So rather than duplicate what I have already written here is the link to the thread http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?490191-New-Bug I noticed another post this morning that was answered by a community dev…
  • G'day, I just released 2 new one's this week and both start in PE. The 1st one you have to talk to Frinko which showed the correct starter in quest tracker several days ago, today it does not. The other one starts at the door to the windmill and has snail trail to door but again quest tracker only shows quest, not the…
  • I had got motivated to build this house from another thread in here about building a tavern. The responses in that thread to my problem was that some walls floors DO NOT block line of sight/aggro, use different building pieces and or add invisi walls. All I could think was WTF is point of wall/floor building pieces with no…
  • G'day, Well a couple of days to put invsi walls everywhere, that was very ambitious thinking. After 2 days of playing that game and still having mobs break from up top and thru walls I decided best solution was a rebuild from the ground up using not only PE walls, but every wall, every floor tile had invis put with it,…
  • G'day, I started building my own 2 story house after reading the start of your post raphaeldisanto, shame I didn't read more of it as you went along, but I was building my new party house. Sent it live late yesterday and discovered that the monsters on the ground floor all ran to the basement and the proceeding carnage of…
  • G'day, Hehe yeah ooty is supposed to have disappeared, not the whole quest LOL Trishani, thank you thank you thank you, went back into live, actually pressed the ok button for the review section and there was ooty's quest when I searched :D Still has a bug tho, said straight up it was subscribed to but does not show up in…
  • G'day Thanks Trishani, I had searched under all the tabs but no quest. Also it was listed in my subscribed, as are my other 2. The other 2 showed up just fine, took 5 days, the 6th day the 3rd one said published in the editor, but won't, isn't, showing up on live. ootyfast
  • G'day, Sominator I NEED HELP !!!! My quest ooty has disappeared NW-D028GTQBG was finally showing as published on the 28th, but no quest could be found on live, after reading the forums I re-published. 24hrs later still no quest on live, so yesterday morning I re-published again and this morning I see your post and was…
  • G'day, 2 of my quests were auto re-published yesterday, 28th, today, the 29th, the 3rd one Ooty Has Disappeared NW-D028GTQBG was listed in the editor as published but was not listed in my subscribed or found in the search list. Waited a few hours and went and re-published, waited said it was published, 8 hours later still…
  • G'day, Firstly a big shout out to the foundry's "Big Devs" for their hard work to get foundry back online and keeping us informed in here on how they were doing. Some of us "Mini Devs" do appreciate the hard work that must go into doing what you do. Now just thought I would mention in here in case the probably 10…
  • G'day, New to the foundry and stumbling my way around the forums looking how things work with the community and asked a question or 2 in the main part of the forums (think it was the main part) only to find this morn'n no replies to my call for help on a problem and post is now buried 3 pages deep :eek: Art, I saw this…
  • G'day, Thanks, I went looking for bug things to see if it was a bug but I'm still new to never winter, seems the only solution is to use blackgate? Just about to start an edit so will see If I can fix. Thanks again Ootyfast