After 27 hrs, the top flier has over 42K in ZF. I had placeholder ZF's but got error message as well. BHE, weekly, and quest turn in alone doesn't seem that this would add up. I guess if you had character grinding 24 hrs a day and just pass your character to someone else to grind while you slept? And PC is at 17%…
I can't speak for others but I get 10 a hour on average. I look for low populated instances, clear the mobs and then go to another instance. I do not wait for the mobs to respawn. Sometimes the instance has 1 map, 2 maps or 0 maps... just clear and move. I collect maps for a couple of days, then go open, so as not to waist…
I don't mind the rarity of maps but I would like to see the weapons maybe have a cumulative chance of dropping. Let's say if you open 200 boxes, that on box 200 it's 100% chance of getting the weapon.... Also, if you have one piece of the legion set, by all means fix it so only the other piece drops. I have no problems…
I consistently get over 10 maps a hour right now, seems a fair drop rate to me. I would prefer the suggestion that the legion weapons could be purchased using firesmith hammers if RNG is being unkind, like what i've experienced. Getting close to 200 maps and no legion :(
I have legendary chicken and it is a beast for farming and whatnot. However, in a higher level dungeon I would avoid using and stick with the augment. Simple reason besides the obvious needs to cap stats (and yes, DPS should be capping defense and crit avoid these days) is the chicken dies.. and dies alot! Gold level…
I may be unlucky, but it seems like since Thursday's patch the map drop rate is even lower now! Pre-patch, I would get 3 maps a hour (average) but since this patch, I've farmed for 4 hrs and not one single map. Perhaps when they took the LF placeholder out of the loot table, they removed the map as well?
Just curious, how many of the DPS in that video have maxed their defensive stats, at least max defense and max crit avoidance? Glass cannons shatter easily. :) It's going to have to be a change in thinking by many dps players.
That is a named mob, he's been in the insurgencies and is the 1st boss of IC. I believe it has to be a bug or something drastically messed up with the loot table. He should be dropping something nice as he is one tough bugger.
Proactive healing (Paladin) will always have an advantage over reactive healing unless you change where the barrier is not a heal meaning a target at 50% HP gets a barrier that shields, not heals. Barrier goes down, target is still only at 50% hp. Or give the the reactive healer something that is also unique. Maybe a…
So is this the final death of the non-augment companion? Why not just remove them from the game and give everyone augments now? AOE heals that are divided up by the number of targets just ensured that both active companions as well as artifacts like Frozen book with the Ice Warriors will NOT be run in groups.