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  • A duping exploit of stackable items has been proven to exist.
  • With the Auction House down, no one is currently buying AD. Plenty of people want to buy Zen, as enchanted keys have replaced AD as currency.
  • Early sunday morning three weeks ago, maybe. Yesterday at least hundreds of people abused it, but some have used it since closed beta.
  • You will apperently get your stuff when AH comes back online. I myself am missing some T3 weapons so I hope this is true.
  • People on Reddit claim that they reported this very bug in closed beta, and nothing was done about it. I believe them because I've reported plenty of other bugs myself that remain unfixed. For example Drake seal vendor selling no off hand dagger instead sells two copies of the MH dagger, one with a offhand price. It…
  • Dammit I don't want to lose **** I've worked my *** off farming How about this; item and AD reset, but you get to keep an amount relative to your /played
  • They will probably release it eventually, they wouldn't have made primary stats worse than secondary if they weren't.
  • If there is something you SHOULD sell in the Zen store, it is things like this. It saves a massive amount of time and effort compared to remaking your character, but it doesn't give you an unfair advantage compared to free players. I don't see how it would break immersion more than allowing you to change apperance. Just…
  • Well thats only for the wards. The glory vendor sells rank 3 enchantments for the low low price of 50k each. You only need 820million AD to buy enough for one rank 10, assuming no failed fusings. That's only 18,000€.
  • That Zen didn't appear out of nowhere, someone paid for it. It doesn't matter if it was your friend or someone else, it wasn't free. This is the main problem with this game; The exchange is entirely player based and in the end someone needs to pay $$$. I'm fine with things like mounts and large bags being sold, but when…