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  • And don't try to get your ADs back. I tried and they told me that their records showed that no Preservation Ward was slotted. BUT I already KNEW that. It only APPEARED to be slotted. (And the Coalescence Ward I had in my inventory was invisible!) Beyond frustrating. Losing all those Preservation Wards and on top of it…
  • To this day, I have never met an HR in PvP that was more formidable than other classes. Annoying, yes. Deadly, no. Frankly, I think the class balance is better than it has ever been in this game. TRs are reasonable now. All the melee classes are tough. Only class that I see as hitting too hard are CWs. And they are also…
  • I don't know what they are thinking with filling enchantments. Like a lot of things in the game, It makes no sense.
  • The exact SAME thing happened to me. One million ADs down the toilet! I upgraded my Cloak of Seldarine. Advanced probably 100 levels, altogether, on my artifacts, and my item level FELL 10 points. And it is STILL there. Beyond frustrating.
  • I had piles of refinement saved up for the weekend. Was looking forward a big jump in item score. Upgraded all my artifacts to max. Went from a lesser to a greater Cloak of Seldarine, again, at near max. but my item level, now is significantly LOWER than it was before!!!! How is that possible? And in capping an artifact, I…
  • A PPS. The problem with the number of players in an instance not showing also cleared up. Evidently, when the interface is too small, the final column gets cut off. Now, that that has been cleared up, I am wrestling with another problem. Game pauses every few seconds. Get a message that says,"press alt to continue" or…
  • One little postscript. I just finished PvP and am happy to say that the problem with the nodes has been resolved. Evidently those little oblong signs above a node that notify you which team is in possession of them are connected to the interface. Anyways, the game is all back to normal for me. Surely, I am not the only…
  • Well, I finally got it fixed. Switched to Direct X 9 and was able to go full screen, but the resolution scale still wasn't working. (Nothing changed when I changed settings.) After a few more crashes, and restarts, the interface suddenly got HUGE. Got the scale bar back to default settings, and the game now has returned to…
  • I'd like to thank both of you for the suggestions. Am afraid, though, that this is what it is, with no solution.
  • When I ordered the machine, I specifically asked for one that I could hook up to a monitor. The VGA, that would be a large squarish port, wouldn't it? Unless, there is a different way to connect, I'm afraid not.
  • Now I am unable to set my screen resolution. When I try to switch to full screen, it crashes. I've deliberately kept things at their default settings until I have tested for lag, but I'll fool around with custom options and see it that does anything. Have my doubts, though. This is no little thing. At default settings, the…
  • I much appreciate the response, but, as I said, I have the interface scale in settings at max already. Have changed the resolution, already. And it changes nothing. I don't get that washed out look you normally get with a laptop monitor. My new computer is about as high end as it gets. Have yet to get the cable to attach…
  • I've wanted to switch out my Barkshield for months, but I keep hearing that they are going to fix it. By this, I am to gather it hasn't gotten a real fix? Guess this means it's time to change.
  • I have been pretty sure that I know what is going on with perma-stun HRs. In fact I've considered trying it myself. Would involved a respec and swapping out of enchantments. Only thing that has kept me from trying it is that the stun is not all that great an advantage and it likely would come with a loss of DPS.
  • Bugs and lag. Lag and bugs. General sense that the only way to win in this game is to pay big money. And who wants to pay big money for something that's busted all the time?
  • Confusing. Don't understand 3. Hindering shot and Constricting arrow are both ranged. Why switch? I'd say that anybody who has a single set rotation is not playing Trapper very well. Encounters recover at different speeds. And it all depends on the number of adversaries.
  • I like it that when a Trapper lands roots on multiple targets that he gets instant recovery. And I'm not wild about the slow death from Thorned Roots, if that even exists any more. Up the damage from encounters, and reduce the damage from Roots, keep the stun but keep it within limits. With that I'd think you'd have a…
  • I'd keep away from HRs. Gets you kicked from dungeon runs. Gets you cursed at in PvP. Problem is that they don't have any decent buffs for your group. Inferior damage. Inferior control. Slow. Dodge is hard to time. With the lag that way it is, half the time I don't know whether I'm at ranged or melee. There are a few HRs…
  • I wonder if there are not a few HRs out there who are taking advantage of some exploit that most of us are not privy to. I don't perma-stun anybody in PvP. Especially Iv1. Pretty pitiful 1v1 against anybody, really. The only time I do well is in PvE against mobs. But even then, only when they are concentrated in one place.…
  • I was wondering if I were the only one bugged by this. (pun intended) The lag is the worst it's been since I've played the game. One thing. The Steam console keeps popping up on me when it lags. Covers a better half of the entire screen. Shift and tab restores vision, but because of the lag it VERY difficult to get rid of…
  • I wonder what this means. ARP on Roots? Pretty stupid of the game designers to leave Trappers a choice between ARP and Recovery (in PvP gear) when, apparently, both are useless for this class.
  • I've wondered the same. But root damage is WAY down for me in places like Ice Wind Dale. So much that I wonder if my log is bugged. Used to be that I'd launch roots and turn my back on whatever critter is was, and return later to finish them off, if they were alive, that is. Now, roots hardly do anything.
  • My impression is nothing at all like this. And I seldom get my mind blown. What I don't like is the finger pointing and temper tantrums. On occasion I've been on teams that I thought were stronger and that screwed up on strategy. Mostly because players were chasing kills instead of capping nodes. But what takes the joy out…
  • Too many vague generalities to even respond to. All I hear is you "pugs" are stupid, and "we" know what we are doing, so you better follow our rules. Other players do a lot of things that I find questionable. But the biggest disadvantage I see in pug teams is the lack of communication. On review, I think that mirrorballs…
  • This would be a prime example what is wrong with absolutes. There are plenty of scenarios where this works out. Five players can take the first node faster. That will allow them to arrive earlier at the 2nd node and give them the numbers to hold it should the other team try to contest it. Of course, if the other team…
  • Too many players believe in (completely arbitrary) absolutes. My thinking is that most any strategy that one's fellow players take can be played off of. A matter of recognizing what your team is doing right, and what the other team is doing right, and acting in a manner that maximizes the former and minimizes the latter.…
  • I got permatrapped for the 4th time yesterday. My pug team up against a premade. Have no idea how he was geared, but I imagine he was off the charts. I was helpless, yes, but only for a few seconds, and, then I was dead. No, it wasn't he who was doing the damage. He had a friend at his side at all times to finish off any…
  • Too many desk top Napoleons with rigid, and often stupid, ideas on how the game must be played. I ignore them. Leave when they get insulting.
  • I'm really not sure, but it doesn't make a lot of sense. Dodge poison after it's been administered? Dodge bleeding out?
  • I haven't had a drop, that I know of, since I began participating in encounter nerf raids.