I have a large rectangle room, with a small rectangle rooms coming off it. Each one consists of two doors.. and one will open one way, and the other opens the other. Though sometimes they both open one way.. it's just really mixed.
Could agree more! They need to implement it so you cannot NEED on an items that's not for your class. If there is no one in the group who can use it, it all goes to GREED anyway.. and if that person who can NEED, doesn't want it, GREED is there for anyones taking.
Hi Zovya - What's the best time to catch you online? I live in Australia, and I am GMT+8 and my friend is UK and is GMT+0 I'm online... A lot. Thanks :)
Thank you for your replies. It would be nice if a single item would reset so we can use triggers and levers to pull potential. Think I will have to put my current Quest on hold till this option is available. Thanks :)
A friend and I would certainly be interested in joining. I have sent you a friend invite, hopefully I can catch you online. I'm @HarpMaiden and my friend is @Amonithil