Master Duelist Half set Elusive Half set Battlefield weapons x2 Executioner PVP build, with stamina boost and crit slow. I still use old build in powers, daze, lashing and deft strike. However, sometimes I trade deft for smoke or Impossible to catch. Role in PVP - Cap enemy points, clean up and chase low half hp players.…
Nope. Lashing blade is not always done in stealth. You can't beat a CW if you surprise lash them because they will kill you afterwards. You must always combo Stealth > Dazing strike, then quick lash or wait for them to run out of dodge to lash. You must daze a CW or YOU are doing it wrong.
I'd say the fight is even. I play TR in PVP and my sole purpose is the kill the CW, eat them for breakfast! If you get the jump on them, I see no reason for you to lose. They are the squishiest class after another TR. All you do is stealth> dazing strike, then lashing blade or duelist fury and they are dead. If they jump…