Try this....... It is the I tried and loved it. Hope this helps.
As far as the Zax being backlogged, that is more due to the people circumventing the exchange and buying keys and wards(and whatever else) from the zen shop and selling it in the AH for inflated prices. Make all items from the Zen Shop Bind to Account. If you buy from the zen shop it should be to benefit your chars and…
What needs to be done is make all items from the Zen Shop Account Bound. If you buy from the zen shop it should be to benefit your chars and your account. Not to circumvent the zen/ad exchange and sell keys and wards for inflated prices. Nerfing Leadership Wont fix the Exchange. Nerfing Leadership Wont fix the high prices…
Understood Ambisinister. Just hate all the flaming and HAMSTER that comes from anyone posting an idea or suggestion. Always seems to be someone who just goes ballistic about it. But I definitely see your point.
Personally I would like to see a Suggestions Thread where you can only post your idea or suggestion. No back & forth, no flaming or hate. Noone else posts in thread. Just post your idea and let the Devs and whatknot look at your idea and if they think it is interesting or worth looking into they can send ya a PM or…
The only thing that will be a problem as far as the lower level quests is Finding the quest givers. They wont have the Icon above their head. But you just have to talk to the npcs and eventually find them all. The XP for the quest will be the same no matter what level you do it. But the mobs you kill will have very lil xp…
Would love to see the feature done. And as a bonus for those folks who go thru the epics, it is another way to get your loot without someone kicking you from the group.