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What is the Arc Client?
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  • He's right you know. If you're not going to roll back the unfair lockbox mounts (and I can understand a lot of people would be unhappy with that) then really the people who've spent good cash on opening lockboxes (fairly) deserve to get a little something extra. Why not award a mount to everyone who has paid to open (say)…
  • I can understand your disappointment. The lockboxes provide no real value for money. They don't even indicate what your chances are of getting what you want, so you literally don't know if you are just wasting money (I mean, it could be a 0.000000001% chance, how would we know?) I've opened quite a few boxes and I feel…
  • Thanks for posting your TR guide, I have found it really helpful as I am levelling and it has helped me avoid some silly mistakes. What I could really do with is a guide to the basic game mechanics - for example exactly what critical strike and critical severity mean; Armour and armour class, Recovery, Regeneration, all…
  • It seems like its enough to run the game once in USA locale. Having done that, you can change all your settings back and everything seems to be fine. Note that changing the system locale is necessary and that requires a reboot.
  • OK, I have now changed all my settings (except keyboard) back to UK and everything is fine now. So it looks like the game needs to run once with everything set to USA and then you'll be fine. I have also verified this procedure on a different Windows 7 computer, it worked there too. My gut instinct, honed over 30 years of…
  • I'm using Windows 8 and an American keyboard, had my system locale set to UK, Region to UK and Keyboard to US. I had the bug 100% of the time. Changing region to US had no effect. Changed my System Locale to English (United States) and this required a Windows restart. On next login, the bug was fixed. SO it definitely…
  • I am in UK but use an American keyboard and therefore have my keyboard layout set to US, but my system locale is UK. I get the issue 100% of the time and no amount of logging in will fix it. I have also just tried setting my locale to US and that hasn't fixed it either. So I'm not sure it is related to Locale/Keyboard.…