Personally I don't see why it wasn't made as instigator's ending feat to give the CC resist or resistance on sprint. It'd finally make the tree a contender with the other two and wont make the sprint too stupid when used on the other two as you'd have to go instigator to get it like that. Ah well, Cryptic will slowly make…
The problem is that you'll end up giving away even better gear increasing the power creep even more. Cryptic have always seemed to struggle with taming the power creep on their games and with every update everyone seems to become stupidly stronger as long as they keep stacking the right layers of things. To make something…
Waters is nice for PvP, but yeah the devoted cleric one is rather... OP <_< (If you have a DC with dread and shar on 3 boons) However I ended up also getting lantern to put in a secondary slot because of the things it gives and combat advantage is pretty nice when you have combat advantage 24/7.
Yeah for PvE you only want 24% and for PvP ARP starts to get heavier DR around 2.2k or so meaning you don't really want to stack past that for PvP anyway.
Yeah I agree. Whatever it is the next paragon tree will have more emphasis on CC, it's the one thing warlock is currently missing. The encounter will be some kind of CC, seeing as we already have a CC daily most likely the daily is more likely to be some kind of buff. Maybe it'll be a slightly more defensive daily than…
It's 4% because I messed up on my previous respec and ended up having to miss out on that one point until I bother to go in and fix it. But I want to wait until I choose everything that I need exactly to get it exactly right next time. Second one is with Hope Stealer just to show the flat %.
It's a flat 5% onto the end %. You'll see the increase on the actual % number. If it was 5% increase to the lifesteal stat I wouldn't bother with it as it'd probably only increase the % by 0.3% or so for me. Basically because it isn't on the diminishing returns there isn't really any reason for a temptation warlock not to…
Well seeing as it's meant to only be a damage increase for you one curse removing another locks curse would mean that the original warlock with his curse wouldn't hit more damage on the person. Fastest way to test it would be to find another lock, have him hit the target with his at-will when it has his curse on, then use…
I'm pretty certain that curse only increases damage recieved from YOU. However I haven't checked if it is a resistance debuff in how the damage is increased in which case it would be for everyone. If it is for everyone then most likely it will not stack.
I'll always suggest to everyone in any cryptic engine game and any future game on the engine to use LoS where possible. Warlock is a prime example of needing the LoS to be used especially on a temptation warlock and with all the DoTS. I'm sorry I didn't truly understand some of what you said however on a temptation build…
Your KD looks pretty similar to my one probably would if it wasn't for the warlock bug, I play much more of a high damage but a lot riskier build using Bargain with Dread and Harrowind as my CC. I'm currently in 2 set t1 and 2 set t2 however in comparison to your Nether Mages, although I am thinking of it as an option to…
Yeah he was talking about PvP. Which I say again is even worse because healing and temporary hit points are reduced by 50%. I don't know what other two encounters you have on your bar however I can think of many better options for PvP. Some of which probably heal for almost as much as it anyway if you have the 20%…
Really? I'd say VE is even weaker in PvP than it is in PvE... Healing debuff, low damage not much use compared to other options. I have 36k HP and that hits around 3k base meaning about 6.5k is the max it can hit. Most likely people will reduce that to around 3k. So if the max it'll heal me for is less than 1.5k then I'm…
It's kinda a two edged knife, every time they kill you they just make it harder for themselves but yeah when I switched into the spec to find it was bugged like that my KD went down massively in PvP when some people would just stand over my body killing me and kicking me over and over. I changed out of it and managed to…
The one thing I'm truly not fond of with CW right now is that there is no variation for PvP. Pretty much all of them seem to be running a almost identical build due to specific last minute changes where a bunch of things were buffed in damage for some reason. I find I can beat a lot of them on my warlock however it ends up…
Well it'd be almost the same as a normal DPS warlock build other than in temptation with slightly more life steal slotted. Seeing as you're looking to max dps to max heals and if you are fury you are looking to max dps you have the same goal both ways. Of course you don't need to use so much necrotic damage if you aren't…
Their AOE CC is rather bad however you can certainly use Harrowstorm and Brood in a combo to have atleast a bit of CC going, CC isn't it's strong point at all however. If you are looking to build right for PvP you want as much HP as you can. PvE it doesn't matter so much, you aren't a tank. It DOES have low defense…
DC is more defensive and has more defensive buffs. It's daily makes the team pretty unkillable while it is down. Also DC has anti CC and dodges. On the other hand it does no damage really compared to the warlock which even though temptation is support you're still a DPS. You heal based off how much damage you hit so…
It's for the last 2 points, I have the recharge already maxed. I should maybe just get the 12% more AP from at-wills or the more damage from CON may "help" a little.
Wow that's a nice crit chance, how much crit strike is that with? I'm at 25% but I only have 1.3k crit strike and 18 CHA. I'm building my warlock for temptation PvP so it's pretty much HP over everything else.
I'm wondering what on a warlock does it actually proc off now? It was made so it doesn't proc off life steal and life steal type effects on things right? As well as the healing you do on others from your lifesteal. How much would burning guidance do in comparison to endless consumption on warlock?
Yeah I'm running a temptation build made for PvP too. Currently only on 12.7k gear score I havn't done many premades though, only a few with a single friend queing as a 2. I did come up against a few premades however. What I found is that a temptation warlock isn't good on it's own. Being targeted / CC locked and not…
Unless you want to be targeted more in PvP for example playing a tank it's always better to be small. Especially in Cryptics games where you can use LoS to hide behind although they did add clipping to a lot of little holes you used to be able to hide in on the NW maps. I suppose I've just got used to playing smaller…
My halfling SW's look, I uploaded a video for 360 here. I really like some of the looks people are getting on Warlock. I wish there was a set that makes you look like a puppet out of irony just because it'd be so funny to use but you can't have it all. ;)