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  • This, along with the other responses about the lack of content, is why I say that opening up the foundry so that players can make persistent zones and improve foundry rewards (through more AD, foundry tokens with a shop, ect.) should be a priority for the game developers. They don't actually need to make much content at…
  • do you need a subscription to play rift right now? Or just the box?
  • Yeah because terrible AI is just a feature of the game? You seem to have missed the point of this thread, to bring attention to the ridiculously bad AI of the cleric companion. Ignoring this is not a "fix".
  • yeah I did both of those, the play this map gave the same result, while the Ctrl-R warped me on top of the ceiling above my spawn point. I finally got Ctrl-R to stick me inside the actual map by tweaking the spawn point Y value, but this doesn't fix the problem, it's not like a normal player will be able to Ctrl-R their…
  • Yeah and we can clearly see the direction of the changes. That's the problem here.
  • I don't get it, is cryptic TRYING to kill this game. Who's going to play foundry quests if they don't give exp comparable to the vanilla quests /mobs, and without any place-able chests? Seriously the Foundry is the only thing this game has going for it. The Vanilla game has no variation in area's between characters, It's…
  • Lifesteal is useless. Even when I was sticking in on every piece of equipment I had at lvl 40, It was only healing me for like 25 hp per strike. This is retardedly low when you have over 8000 health. It's just not worth it.
  • I have the same issue. The mic test still works. But I don't see the mic icon next to my portrait and nobody can hear me while speaking in game. It was working fine before the servers crashed this morning.
  • The queue system is broken. Back in beta weekend 2 the queue system worked instantaneously. As soon as you had 5 ppl you would immediately get into your instance. But when beta 3 started, the long wait times you see now appeared. I don't know why they haven't fixed this yet. It's an incredibly obvious bug. One that you…
  • yeah! i'm having this same issue. Is the mic icon next to your portrait gone as well? It's weird because it was working fine yesterday before the server crash. I hope the fix this really soon.
  • Yeah they should have been more concerned with making a stable and playable game with the "beta tests", instead of using them to hype / rake in the dough. Hell nobody even tested the content above lvl 40
  • Damnnit I was ingame earlier, since you could actually log in a half hour before the countdown ended.. But I made a character on the Beholder server... which I guess is french. I logged out to make a char on dragon but now I just get "connecting to the account server" until it times out...
  • I was seriously hoping they would fix this for release. There have constantly been a large number of threads and complaints about the Need / Greed system since the first beta weekend. It's a shame, looks like they're not terribly responsive to the community.
  • It's a problem with the game pace if someone can hit level 60 just by playing legitimately in 28 hrs. I was hoping that the leveling speed experienced in the beta weekends had been sped up so that ppl could test everything. But I guess not. Cryptic seriously needs to slow down the pace of leveling. Hell, it was so fast…
  • Sweet! Thanks a ton!
  • Why don't they try and find out what ppl enjoyed about the rogue and make the other classes more appealing instead of whipping out the nerf bat first thing? "Dear lord! This class is too fun to play, fix it quick!"
  • So basically, since cryptic said they wanted players to be able to solo the content, you're saying that all other classes were severely underpowered, not that the rogue was OP. Fool.
  • NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Really though, Rogue wasn't that survivable 30+ and damage wasn't really OP, I was absolutely destroying groups 3 times as fast with my GWF. If anything the other classes (Cleric and Wiz) should have been made more powerful. Rogue was fun as it was....god I hope it isn't ruined...
  • Soo I hate to ressurect threads, but has anyone found a feat calculator for neverwinter yet?
  • Nah, the quests are fine. What the zones need are GW2 esque dynamic events. Honestly GW2 maps feel like living breathing worlds simply because of their numerous and varied dynamic events. If Neverwinter added these on top of the linear, traditional styled fetch/kill quests, this game would be 10x better.
  • I'm going to freeze myself in the snow like cartman for the next 2 months. That way it'll be like Neverwinter comes out tomorrow!
  • I completely agree with the idea that Cryptic/PW are offering very minimal information on this game compared to most others. This is further exacerbated by the very very limited beta access times. With such short beta testing periods with limited pools of participants, I feel that they either: A. Don't really feel the need…
  • Until they start adding more classes =)
  • Awww I guess i'm a bit late to request a key =( Well if they're not all gone, i'd love one. I'm a huge fan, but I want to see what the gameplay is actually like before deciding to purchase one of the packs...
  • Why does nobody want monks? I loved my monk in both NWN and NWN2...
  • Oh. That's not too bad than. *Outrage turned*
  • Did I see it correctly that you have to buy the 200$ pack to get access to the foundry on release? WTH! If that's the case, just when do all us undeserving plebs get to use it?
  • I would only consider paying for a game if I were able to try it first, to see what direction it was headed in. They probably should have allowed a beta period first so people knew what they could expect out of the game before asking us to throw our money at it. I can only think of 2 reasons they would ask us to pay before…
  • It's not similar to skyrim. In skyrim you can strafe around while attacking. Neverwinter appears to make you focus on your target when trying to strike them. It more like God of War, or Darksiders. I don't think you'll be able to walk to the side while swinging your weapons. However It looks like pressing a movement key in…
  • This is all I need to keep me excited =)