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  • Well got my F-off form letter today. Basically the same as all the other form letters I see people posted here that were told to go away. It seems they chose a date and time. If your purchase was after this time then they would not honor the initial offer made for all the items below your purchase level. So while they have…
  • My purchase was on 11/27 just before noon and they have not given me an adjustment. But none of this is logical. I was away traveling for the holiday when I read the note about getting all the rewards below your purchase level. I couldn't buy then but I did as soon as I returned from my travels. I purchased the $200 level…
  • After claiming the Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, and Tier 4 rewards I have 10,000 points left over. I at least wish I had something I could spend those points on (I started with 28,000).
  • I did not get an email, and I did not get any extra points. I spent $200 and I am on PC.
  • Indeed, my timer has almost 9 days on it. I have been waiting for resolution on this before using any points to hopefully avoid adding more risk to the equation. I will continue to wait. I would also like them to clarify the quality of the Ice Panther. It just seems so wrong the White Owlbear would be higher quality…
  • This is incredibly bad today. I'm getting continuous disconnects and login server timeouts. When I finally get into a character it sometimes is stuck on "server not responding". Hopefully someone is working on these issues. Update: Continuing problems logging in and getting server not responding messages even while logging…
  • I have to figure this out every time I level up a new character. The problem I have is the slot description uses the wrong term. "Rank 3" should really say "Tier 3". I like to complete it using the Black Ice profession and you can use the level 1 Catalytic Processing Raw Black Ice task. I have enough high quality black ice…
  • Yes this broken part of harrowstorm is a real problem. Knocking an enemy prone was a key part of my attacks. It's frustrating since I was beginning to recover some from all the last nerfs we have had to endure and now this. One step forward, 2 steps back. Especially since so many of our powers are useless.
  • Hmmm nuts... pressing "ESC" does not stop the redirect process on my system. I wish some priority would be put on fixing this.
  • This process no longer works now that everything gets redirected to Arc. Does anyone know how to copy characters to Preview now?
  • Ok I'm a moron, in my mind I was combining both chests for my previous comments. When looking at just the loot from the Adamantine Gauntlet chest I am mostly getting 2 peridots (vs. 1) and the occasional Aquamarine. At times it is just 2 rank 4 enchants. While that is nice to get the refining points it seems a bit weak for…
  • I do all the lair quests alone, have from the beginning, so I have a good understanding of what the loot is. But today I finally received some epic gear on one of my characters with Adamantine level gauntlet. It's very similar to what my other character received today for Platinum level gauntlet. I received Belt of the…
  • Well that doesn't accurately describe my experience. Until I reached Adamantine I did get epic items and gear. Since Adamantine I have only received blue items.
  • I have been forging Adamantine gauntlets for a few days now and it's definitely a let down. I was getting better drops with my platinum and mithral gauntlets. The gear I couldn't use but at least i got epic items. To go through all this and get a few pieces of blue trash gear to sell for coin and a couple low level…
  • Wrong rewards are common for all my characters. Most recently I've noticed my HR gets the wrong reward in both master of the hunt and dread legion and other quests such as gnarlroot. But the same goes for my cw. On both I seem to get a lot of tr and gf gear in the end chests.
  • I'm surprised you are even given the option to buy the coffer of wondrous augmentation, I am no longer given the option. Sad because this makes Celestial coins useless and no more possibility of receiving a coalescent ward.
  • Yeah it seems they came up with an overly convoluted way to make upgrading enchantments nearly impossible and difficult to understand. They should have provided a tutorial. I don't understand why they don't want us to upgrade items, which is the only conclusion you can come to based on this process. They might as well…
  • This is true, a GWF is more of a liability than a help. My original primary character was a GWF but I did what someone else in this thread suggested, I developed an alternate class as my primary and the game is much more fun now. Even though my heart is still with the GWF, if it only could hold it's own. I now only play my…
  • Actually the Malabog Castle queue is totally messed, beyond the issue this fellow was having. Here is a list of the problems I am seeing: * Queue pulls you into an instance and you never know how many others will be there, could be anywhere from 1 to 5 * Now when you arrive in the dungeon the party will not be formed. Just…
  • I'm also curious why they felt the need to nerf the GWF, anyone honest admits we (GWF's) struggle to stay alive and do middling dps in most dungeons, now we're weaker?? I was just at the last boss in Epic Frozen Heart, without a healer, and while me and the DC died almost instantly the GF and TR were able to finish off the…
  • This happens to me big time around the first and second bosses in Epic Frozen Heart. Sometimes I disappear and I only see part of my sword.
  • I went through a stretch where my unstoppable would break frequently. I have to wonder if it is only certain dungeons. Now that I'm playing only a handful of Epic dungeons I haven't had it happen and thought they must have fixed it. It is a fatal bug to GWF's. I don't recall it ever happening in GG. If I play my…
  • Yes, same here. Whatever the issue was it has been resolved and I don't need the VPN any more. I bet Cryptic contacted Verizon and worked it out. We'll probably never know exactly what happened.
  • Ok I tried a suggestion in another thread and it solved my problem. I am one of the Verizon FIOS customers that lost the ability to login to Neverwinter Saturday afternoon. Many of us had the same or similar issue where after clicking "Play" on the launcher the screen would go black and the windows activity/cursor icon…
  • Ok I went ahead and installed the first one, http://www.hotspotshield.com/, and it solved the problem right away and runs smoothly and transparently. Sad to have to do this but it's easy and might be something we should run on our pc's for privacy reasons anyway. So now we know without a doubt the problem all along has…
  • Because for many of us the issue is not character dependent. I and many others cannot reach the character list. After patching and clicking Play we get a timeout error before the character list loads.
  • This issue is totally unrelated to the issue many of us have of connecting and timing out. These 2 issues should have never been combined. I never get to the point of seeing my character list.
  • I fall into the East Coast (Florida) Verizon FIOS camp. This problem began Saturday August 3rd in the late afternoon/evening. 1. All the patching, uninstalling, installing, etc appears to complete smoothly and error free for me. 2. Once all the patching and updating completes in the Launcher, the Play button appears and I…
  • I ran into this in a big way for the first time last night. I finally have my gs up to nearly 10k and decided to check out Castle Never dungeon for the first time. We fought through the first couple mobs and most of us died from an explosion. I was slow getting back and then noticed everyone was gone, they had somehow…