Why do the Dev's make the same mistake over and over again this is just like IWD, I take that back it's even more annoying The first campaign you can't complete just by doing the campaign. Plus like people have said the rewards from FangBanger are not worth it. Also i don't like being told what gear i need to get just to…
Yeah i really hate people who do that. Also the same people who try and sell the Cat/Dragonborn brawler for over 1mil AD, just to try and catch new people. really wish anything from the WB u can not put on AH for over the value.
Yep my main is a TR, and always will be. But I have not done any pvp this last mod, there is no fun in pressing 1 button and killing people. I'll pvp again when the Dev's fix it. So i guess never .
Yeah i feel the same way, i don't understand why we need 2 more Artifact sets with INT/CHA. I would really like to see a new set with DEX/STR. We need to give more choices for all Classes.
yep been getting the same thing, lots of DC at diff times and some server not responding pauses, just put in a bug report. DC's happen most around 7-9pm AEDT
no i did not need a 2nd Vorp for the upgrade to Pure & looks like the same thing for Transcendent. Also i did not need 2 Rank 10 rad's to make a Rank 11.
Feedback on new changes/ some suggestions Stealth: at-wills should drain stealth at a slower rate for pve about 5% and 10% for pvp as it is now Stealth drains before one DF can finish. Stealth: should refill at a slow rate when taking damage. ( found it hard to get stealth back in IWD when not slotting for it. ) feels like…