Better ideas are possible and plans can change. Problem is this idea of a new server is self serving and not a better idea for the majority. The best thing for everyone is to be able to play the game together with as many people as possible. Not separate us!
Would you prefer they mislead you? Offer you false hope? Keep you stringed along on the slight chance that you may get what you want? Or just flat out be honest with you? Because there is not going to be a wipe and there is not going to be a new server, They could not have it any clearer than they already have.
On it's best day the forums would be lucky to make up a total of 10% of the player base. The vast majority of players do not ever come here and for good reason. They are full of negativity. The 60% you are referring to are a small minority of hardcore vocal forum folks. Also I strongly disagree with 60% supported the wipe…
I expect plenty will be added over time so I am not too concerned about it, but I will not deny there is a lack of Armor styles. Everyone, this is how Posts should be made. Intelligent, Productive, Insightful, Constructive.
What I don't understand is what anyone who is NOT a Fanboy is doing here. I don't post or hangout on the WoW Forums, or the Secret World Forums, or Everquest or any other game I have zero interest in, Do not play, Do not intend to play or do not like. Why in the world would you be here at all if you weren't a fan? Or…