In a hot minute. Finding a bug is one thing. Deliberately using that bug is something else. And given the recent issues, how can this even be a question?? Report their sorry asses and hopefully get them out of the game
I lost one level this morning on my GF. Made it back in like 30 mins and was back to 60 so really no harm. I larger wipe and I'm gone. I like the game and all, but its not worth the hassle.
looks like I got off just in time. Now I get why people were selling cats for 17gold. I paid full price for mine a couple days ago, he better still be there. Frickin scum...hope they perma ban every single one of em
Hidden Blade and Fateful Encounter are two of my favorites. I run them every day. Very fast, and the second one includes a difficulty slide of sorts. Very nice when you have to do 4 foundry missions at level 60
maybe you shouldn't have rushed? it just came out, and actually isn't really "out" yet until OB is done. Additional content is a long ways off I'm thinking. would be nice of Gaunt was put in. Considering I have dailies that point me to it
I have also seen now where my stuff appears in a different language. Auction house bids and whatnot. Getting barraged with constant horsey messages is bad enough...getting them in languages with letters that can't possibly be a real language is just absurd. Enough with this HAMSTER already.
and with no warning at all. I did however have the "pleasure" of seeing two back to back someone got a horsie messages on screen. Those frickin things seriously need to go
Yep. I tried to get into Idris at 37 and was told I was to low. Didn't even get in to the temple defense. Then I leveled right past both of them. I still got Idris done, but Temple is now denied to me. I try go to Ebon and see if there's anyone doing those, but there usually isn't. Its really stupid on their part to close…
yes, it would be awesome if Guardians had their own server partition to play on. Oh wait..OP fails at creating a thread? bummer. How do you even mix up those two words anyway??? there not even remotely the same
Yes its worth it. If only because its the cost of a normal game these days anyway. Since there's no other games out this month that I want to buy (really not buying any console games anymore til next gen) it was a no brainer. The companion, mount and AD are just gravy. Plus..its a simple way to support the devs. The $200…
are they character or account bound? I could see the increase if they were account. Its definitely something I plan on getting, but only once if they are that expensive and only character
Maybe they're account wide and not just character wide? Not sure what they were before as I didn't use them Question though: Are they a permanent resource? or are they a per use kinda thing and then they vanish?
Not every one likes/plays PvP. I don't, unless its in a game where it actually fits..Like COD. Cannot abide the PvP in Defiance. Same with DCUO. Haven't tried the Marvel Heroes PvP yet, but im sure its gonna suck as well.
Not to mention that almost every single pc game released of late includes built in controller support. Especially since the xbox came out because it was built from the start with work on PC.