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  • Yes, but have a guild that is fully Geared and waiting for NEW and better challenges and gear... GG is not that for us. It was a walk in the park and we all just want to quit till they either better the game and add 10-20 man Dungeons that are way HARDER and add in WAY MORE classes... Forget Races...people want classes…
  • So, it sounds like PWE and Cryptic got tired of the gold farms getting all the money from thier player base like any other MMO and no one BUYING ZEN from PWE. Just FYI, the Salvage thing is totaly BS... a top Tier two only goes for 8-10k AD to salvage. But if they do this the only way to make people stay is to have all…
  • Hey everyone, I Main a DC for my Guild and main character on ther server Mindflayer "Healz" Anyways, Here is the things people are not seeing. Astral Shield is HUGE... but its not everything for a healer... why make a class with one MAIN move. I agree, the nerf was need but the cooldown could be increased by a second or…