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  • Ok no new classes what's the point to a new race most people have already made characters using other races why start at level 1 with just a moon elf which real does nothing for game play. So all I can say is refund time this expansion is highly disappointing
  • No new classes or paragon paths I want a refund for the pack why do I need a moon elf when I have each class at 60 waste of money and time call me when you add something legit
  • None we have a good number of races classes and class paths would be better time spent in development
  • Yeah there big day release what do they give one dungeon that has been worked on probably since closed beta, and alchemy which is not really that hard to add to the game. They don't even add multiple paragon paths just the standard 1 per class. This game is really becoming boaring fast have 3 toons at 60 already with a…
  • Ha not concerned with the bones, Just wondering what truly was done for this game the only two addition I see are alchemy and this stupid dungeon no new paths for any classes or even additions to classes no pet tomes, etc and they had a long period of time to get this in game.
  • Yeah have fun with your game that put's in new dances as one of the highlights to a expansion, and knows how to steal content from a children's movie. Really the people who think wow is great need to actually look at the game were in pvp all you get is bear bombed. I certainly bet this player only played a warlock in wow…
  • Think the mental level of this poster is reletivly low, the guy asked about further levels to get a general feel for what to expect in the game, and your post about rogues killing everything shows your complete lack of knowledge in the game. Further more insulting people over the internet shows that you lack any kind of…
  • Please speak for your self I love the leveling portion of the game more then the end game which can be come the same dungeons or pvp scenario over and over again for all eternity. Also not sure what you mean gets in the way of experimenting with different classes a leveling system does no such thing
  • Actually rickylake2103 your the pathetic one realy trolling posts so you can actually put something like this up your a total waste of space there