My friend complate to min 150 epic skrimish not drop book. For 200 ls or regen realy joke. Maybe drop rate is bugged, or complate bugged book's. Please fix this books.
Same problem, problem source perfect word. Too many players same problem. 5-10k and 0 patch 2000 ping game not rep, and dc. (problem start is 1 agust 00:00)
Only thıs game Same problem. Other app, or browser or my pc not have problem. Thıs problem start is 1 agust 00:00. İ not playeble this game. 2000 ping, Server not responding and dc. My location is turkey/eu. Please fix thıs problem.
''Iron Vanguard Frontline Surge: This power now stuns players rather than proning them. No change on NPCs. Threatening Rush: This power now has 3 charges which refresh every 9 seconds.'' Hi, this changes for GF or GWF?