I don't know about the other classes but after pretty much doing nothing in the game and then coming back to this and seeing what the changes were for Rangers, tremendous disappointment is an understatement.
If you aren't going to fix the class how about at least giving a Class reroll. I know mod 15 killed my interest in putting money into the game. At this point trying to build up an HR again so it can be completely MEH is just not desirable and putting the effort into building up the I level of a new character in a game that…
The change to the base values of stillness of the forest are just as bad for PVE. There is the built in assumption that currently you can't use stillness at least 1/3rd of the time (based on the idea they wanted to keep it at the same level of effectiveness), but you now have an additional handicap of not being able to…
Just reducing the animation time of things like Commanding Shot would be welcome. What's with the ghost moose anyway ? As it is playing on PC using keyboard and mouse about 15% of the time the ability doesn't properly fire because the key hasn't been mashed long enough. As noted earlier, this should be done also to keep…
This seems to be correct. Just a note though on characters with little gold and no AD I haven't seen any way to speed up the tutorial making it a very slow process indeed. Tried this with a character that I had recently leveled up to the mid 30s then copied over. The process seems successful. The tutorial though seems…
Same goes for Fox's cunning (Don't use it. I have to think that is directed at PVP) Are you trying to pick a fight or something ? I mean you ignored what was said, mischaracterized what I actually said and then presented an edge case. Anyway just because something isn't useful in all situations doesn't mean there aren't…
Fox's cunning used to be something you could use every time it ran out and get your avoided attack if you were attacked. Now it has a gap. That's nice for PVP as the guy fighting you can know when your gap is coming, or if you have it up and void it with a throw away. Well they would have to make sure it's either always on…
Yeah I enjoyed the comment in the overhaul thread "it's not gambling because you can earn them by playing the game", sort of like gambling isn't gambling in real life because you can earn money by getting a job.
Just a note, the game is still dropping coupons and bombarding players with adverts to buy profession packs all without telling them, that their purchases will soon have radically different value and usefulness. Especially true for people who get epic assets or buy packs seeking to get epic assets.
Taking Hawkeye down from 15% to 5% just looks like kicking people while they are already down. There are times when you need hawkshot in your tray playing an archer at range and hawkeye comes in very hand for when you find yourself forced into melee. Same goes for Fox's cunning (Don't use it. I have to think that is…
The 100k cap is part of the problem. The other part is that the more you divide your time between characters the less able you are to advance any of them. This wouldn't be a problem if level actually determined power and the game wasn't a Monty Haul gear treadmill. Toss in that the devs periodically take a whack at builds/…
Thanks this highlights one of the problems that has been bothering me about the changes in stillness. There is an inherent assumption that we can stay out of range of enemies 2/3rds of the time and still all the time.
Ahh there's the problem we have had, being closer isn't being right next to the boss. Being close enough to pick up some of the bigger buffs would be most welcome. Faster cast time on commanding shot (should have a time normalized dps no worse than aimed shot) as well but that's another story.
Aspect of the falcon to start ? Aspect of the pack I think we are still talking past each other because I still can't make head or tails of your question. Let me try to clarify what I said, maybe I am not doing a good job here. DPS classes need to provided similar levels of DPS. This has to be true no matter what their…
That's the other thing. Compensating players for a taking with ingame currency costs literally nothing. It's like paying people in belly button lint. The overwhelming number of players would be more than willing to take the compromise.
That's why chain restaurants are so successful. You go into a McDonalds anywhere on the planet and you have a pretty good idea what you are getting. You can also return things that aren't as advertised Now we are getting to the meat of the matter. It's gambling pure and simple what's more it's likely very bad for people…
Meridian 59 was the first MMO Edit: 1996 Original Neverwinter Nights was not 3d but used the SSI Goldbox engine. Hence wasn't what qualifies as a MMO in the current genre. I.E. 3D interactive If you want to expand the concept to anything allowing large numbers of players play at the same time then "The Hundred Years War"…
There is no way properly answer the question because it suffered from multiple category errors. Turns out the devs wanted to make people happier with crafting by eliminating the portion of crafting most people participated in. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You mean time while you are doing other things ? Mastercrafters by the way had bigger roadblocks like trying to deal with chult when it first came out. Which was one of the several reasons the mats were so valuable. It was hard to farm. Anyway in this case the products of gathering will likely be in such oversupply that…
If you want to promote sales between players you need a situation where it's impossible for any single player to be entirely self sufficient or at the very least not sufficient in as low cost a manner as buying from another player. Giving everyone who had enough interest in crafting to max out a profession, gathering at…