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  • Yeah I am reserving opinions until I get ample experience with everything first-hand. Regardless of how I might like to think that everyone on the forums is accurate, honest and reliable... well... So I plan on a lot of T2 dungeon runs with different builds, gear, etc to see what works and how well.
    in GWF Sprint Comment by mantidd May 2013
  • It is a Warrior and as with every single warrior in every MMO since EQ original, gear = playability. I lucked out a lot but getting a new weapon and the "right" armor every 1 to 2 levels is what made my leveling a cake walk really. The folks I have seen struggling are ya know level 32 using a level 26 or 28 weapon which is…
  • Yeah depset my GWF being my main pure and simple having a Ranger or better yet a Druid would be amazing. Especially a Druid, just seems like it would fit in with the theme and have a great presence in the game. <excited>
    in 6th Class Comment by mantidd May 2013
  • I guess on a more serious note I look at my GWF like I did at my Enhancement Shaman all those days ago. Most will fail, the great ones will be dps and cc/control monsters. While all along providing debuffs, prones and stuns to the group. Not to mention Combat advantages and more when specced properly. We may not have…
  • There is no point, nothing to see here, please move along to another class. Let me keep my loots and enjoy all the awesomeness alone. <3
  • I think a lot of if depends on how you play. I've seen people say it sucks until 25, 35, 45, 50 and so on. Personally I haven't had issues with dying, crazy potion chugging or coming in at under #2 in a dungeon. I will say the the GWF is not face-roll and really requires good stat selection, movement, timing and synergy.…
    in GWF Sprint Comment by mantidd May 2013
  • Funny enough I've been using something similar already so great minds and all? Sure I am still experimenting and tweaking but I have to say that the crits are key. Getting those debuffs, coupled with the Weapon Master debuffs and bleeds just make you a monster. Almost always use Flourish and I specced into it for the added…
  • So true - I would love a separation there that shows "Your" dmg/healing/etc and then your "companions" dmg/healing/etc and finally a combined. That way you see how well you're doing compared to others and how well certain pets/companions are doing on different encounters.
    in GWF Sprint Comment by mantidd May 2013
  • Given that more companions will be a good money maker for this game I almost guarantee it will come. I would at least like the books for our current companions so we can get them to 30. Especially for us GWFs who rely on our wee cleric companion! I could see class restricted companions eventually as well, but there is a…
  • On that boss I took leap, so really what you end up doing is a sprint out of one AoE to 50%, if she does it again just sprint and be at 0%, if another hits you can either leap away or simply <Tab> and ignore the cc all together. I find that I have the best up-time overall with my GWF since you have so much mobility. Add in…
    in GWF Sprint Comment by mantidd May 2013
  • Amen. Almost always #1 and sometimes #2 in dps for dungeons. I also agree that GWFs can be the core of a party. I have myself set up so that every crit is bleeding and debuffing the enemies. In addition to all the possible cc, prones, interrupts, stuns, etc. Having a GWF is incredible and I for one am glad we are rare.…
    in GWF Sprint Comment by mantidd May 2013
  • My GWF is 50 again now and I LOVE Sprint, especially with the right stats your stamina regen is excellent. Not to mention that later on the GWF has an encounter ability that fills your stamina at every use. So it is an amazing dodge skill, but might be a bit harder at lower levels.
    in GWF Sprint Comment by mantidd May 2013
  • Yup, throw on that top gear and then give your companion the (% of their stats to you) rune and its hilarious.
  • The problem with early crit imo is that you just can't get enough of it. So if you look at your character I would guess your at or below 5% crit. While armor penetration at early levels can easily get into the 8%+ range and "works" on every hit. Armor Pen also scales better against armored targets for obvious reasons.…
    in GWF Status Comment by mantidd May 2013
  • At the lower levels you're really just after stat weights. What you end up wanting in terms of stats will depend greatly on how you spec. If you look in your base tree you'll see the points for added defense and defense % to power, etc. So obvious early choices will be Defense and Power to benefit from this. As you gain…
    in GWF Status Comment by mantidd May 2013
  • I love my GWF and later on when you get those giant groups of 10+ MoBs they are a god send with the constant AoE. A GWF is very gear dependent though and as such has some lulls in power. They also, dare I say it, take more skill and timing to get the most from their damage. Never come out last in dungeons though always #2…
    in GWF Status Comment by mantidd May 2013
  • For the longest time I always thought Duergar were those people you saw in Walmart at 2am... Who knew?
  • For Neverwinter? Dunno why but my patch took all of 7 minutes. Everything patch wise from PWE/Cryptic seems very fast. At least here in Cali. =)
  • Oh I did, he has the Great Weapon Fighter part on there, now just have him make a Woodelf. Having both makes people watch as most of us have never seen a lot of coverage, if any, of those 2 particular options.
  • I had really had my faith renewed in Cryptic/PWE recently when a little birdie leaked information about the STO announcement which hit today. That same little birdie caused me to buy the Guardian Pack and I kept watching the developer posts, feedback and concerns. I noticed a great trend, the developers are actually…
  • Just tell him to make a Woodelf Great Weapon Fighter so more people can see the new race and class. =)
  • Yeah I dont mean to be rude to the OP at all. He tried but connection issues and no developer dungeon walk through seemed to let him down. I streamed for awhile, but waiting on a game where a stream is a good fit before doing so again.
  • Sad, but VERY true. If you really want to see someone entirely unfamiliar with Neverwinter playing a level 31 you should watch this. On the flip side there are other streams that are actually showing off the dungeons...
  • Looks like they just started streaming and started at level 31. So might well be worth a watch!
  • Well I am out here in california and if what he says is true that means the stream should start in about 2 hours. Hope that helps!
  • This is Cryptic/PW, so if you browse around the CO or STO sites you'll see an obscene amount of customization. Some bought and some dropped/quested/etc. So I would expect that we get additional options beyond dyes as we progress and time goes on. Pretty easy for them to introduce different armor set skins for the Drow,…
  • I really was not a fan of the companions in Star Wars and I really found them to be a hard requirement. However with Neverwinter you get to really decide what kind of henchmen you want, how they gear, abilities they use and more. Plus I personally never felt like I was "forced" to use my companion and never did for…
  • Probably my only toon will be a GWF come release. So despite the large amount we are certainly going to see I will be testing one out myself. It may in fact be the first time I actually try to get to 30+ just so I can really dig in and give feedback on the class. Now if I can just convince the developers to let me zoom in…
  • Awesome, the GWF is what I plan on playing come release. So with any luck they will have it ready at launch! I'll take 6 "nearly-perfect" classes over 5 perfect ones for a release. As we've seen the devs have been making changes and improvements across the board. So even if say the GWF was a bit funky, I would rather have…
  • Would be nice to see more variety, this is Cryptic though so I expect they will keep adding similar to what they did with power sets.